Tuesday 12 May 2009

Out, In or On?

I really need to update my various shops with all my ready-to-ship stock, but there is a lot to photograph and Maia only has a limited tolerance for modelling these days. So with haste in mind I photographed all of my shirred dresses last night (yes, now that the fair is over the weather is glorious) and was hoping for a bit of advice...

I've taken a full length pic and a bodice close up, which should be my main listing image?

In my own humble opinion, I don't think shirred dresses photo that well in full length without being on a model. What do you think? Or *shudder* do I need to get Maia to try on 20 dresses and get decent shots of each?!

Okay, your voting options:
  • A: Full length is a better
  • B: Bodice close up is better
  • C: Mix it up
  • D: Torment your daughter


  1. For the main pic, bodice I think..

  2. D would be best, althugh obviously completely impractical :)
    I'd go for mixing it up. Very pretty, btw, I really like the print on the second one.

  3. I think the bodice pic would be best for the main pic - they're gorgeous by the way!

  4. Bodice, although maybe have one pic of Maia in a dress for one of them.

  5. Thanks guys, I will try to get a couple on her! I photographed twenty different ones last night and I don't think she'd forgive me for that :)

  6. Bodice for main, with a full length additional (if you can have more than one). They look really pretty by the way! If you have a picture of Maia in one of the dresses you could put that up as an example. I think it would be obvious that that isn't the one they'd be buying. :)

  7. What blackberrycrafts said!

  8. Yes, I completely agree with blackberrycrafts: bodice, then full, then random dress on Maia. They are beautiful.

  9. I would try photographing flat on white background but if not, definitely D - sorry!

  10. From the pics you have the bodice shows it off better but I think you need to see the length. So, ideally on Maia. How about letting Jamie ham it up? An action shot from the back with a floppy sunhat no-one would be any the wiser and he gets to be camp! The second fabric is gorgeous, what is it?

  11. i third blackberrycrafts...just so you know (and no pressure of course), I've got a bunch of moms waiting for you to get your stock up on etsy...all ready to buy, buy, buy!

  12. Thanks for your input everyone! It's still nice here today so I'm going to bribe the kids this afternoon to get modelled pics.

    @koolkatskate: It's Mirabelle by Alexander Henry. I loves it.

    @little birds fly: Wow, that's exciting. Better get my skates on :)

  13. Alexander Henry's stuff is just the best. Plus your great sewing skills of course, what a combo! Anyhow, I can't seem to be able to reach you through the contact page here, I'd like to order something from your folksy but I don't know how much the postage is to Portugal, more than to the UK! Let me know. Thanks.

  14. i thin the upclose is better....i agree too that the best option is on a real person...but that just doesnt seem fair

    you can try mixing it up and seeing if one picture sells better than the other

  15. @koolkatskate: You can email me at amanda@kitschycoo.co.uk *off to investigate my contact link*

  16. I say bodice for the main pic and then as an extra picture have your daughter model once in a dress and use that same pic over and over for all similar items to show what it looks like on.

  17. bodice for the main pic, though having Mia in at least some of them would be great. Maybe she has some girl friends who could come over for a dress up and run around the back yard party? My girls would totally be down if we didn't live an ocean away! :) good luck!

  18. I agree with Blackberry. Good luck with the modelling ;)

  19. I'd take a pic of Maia in a dress and use the same pic for all dresses and do a close up of the fabric for the next pic. It's what I used to do with my hats, Francesca only took one good picture out of (at least) a thousand! Just make sure it's really clear in your blurb that it's only the style of dress that is being worn and it will come in the fabric of pic #2.


  20. B for now, but I have taped Anna into a big box with some fruit flakes and she'll be with you by the end of the week.
