Friday 3 July 2009

Model rebellion

The other day I made another sleeveless smocky top so I could photograph the steps for the tute. Pictures of the fabric on the floor / in my machine: easy. Photographing the final article: tricky. Maia has decided modelling is not for her.

Here she is hitting the camera with a branch:

But occasionally I can get a nice picture when she's not paying attention:

Or mid run:

This is one of my misfit fabrics, and although there isn't a direct colour match, I think it works... Combining fabrics doesn't come easy for me but I'm trying things out!


  1. I think they are cute together, and the first pic of Maia is the BEST!

  2. I agree- that first picture is classic and you better tuck away to pull out for Prom- or the Scottish equivalent. I also think that the fabrics work- but I tend to treat polka dots as a neutral.

  3. The top looks cute, and she looks like she's enjoying trying to avoid the camera!

  4. Brodie likes the look of Maia. She think she's pretty.

  5. Love the mix it works. A girl who knows her own mind isn't a bad thing is it. Thanks for sharing.
