Monday 26 October 2009

Ode to Joy

Dancing a jig

I'm ecstatic to report that the computer is back from it's second visit from the repair shop with all of my photos and documents. I'm slightly perturbed that there's a massive 100GB free that wasn't free before but the most important things are there. I think. I guess I won't find out what's actually missing until I look for it, but the most precious things are there. The CD drive wasn't working either, but it turns out that one of my delightful progeny (I'm guessing Jamie) had crammed a CD deep inside that had jammed in there. Probably on Sunday morning when I woke to find he had put stickers all over the computer. And the camera, including the lens. But, hey-ho, embarrasment with the repair man aside, it does rather brighten up the keyboard:
Thank you all for your kind words, sympathy, and technical support!

A week later than planned, here's the winner of the bigger girl's asymmetrical coat pattern:

Congratulations to Louise of Sew Scrumptious, hope your spoils doesn't interfere with your winter fair making...

And a final bit of good news... my mahoosive roll of Thinsulate arrived this morning (only 25 days after I ordered it) so I'm back in the coat-making business!


  1. Happy days:) Now go, go back to the sewing machine with you!

  2. Oh good:)

    Also relieved to know my daughter not the only one who decorates madly with stars...

  3. oh my god! Thats so exciting. Fab. Thank you so much. I will have to go buy some new fabric now! Not sure i'm up to making a coat tho. Now I'm scared!! Really pleased the computer thing got sorted. x

  4. Oh, the fucking stickers. Stickers. Everywhere. Worse than Sparkle Day, and you shouldn't make me tell you about Sparkle Day.

  5. I have about 3/4 stickers stuck to the wooden floor in the living room, another 3 stuck on the kitchen floor, the hall mirror is covered in them (they get stuck there straight from school jumpers when we get home).... oh and my fridge is full of half piggled red stars that have been there for ages but looked better before I tried to remove them!!! LOL

    Excellent news on the computer :)

  6. Fabulous!! I'm so glad for you.

    100G free is a lot, but is not super surprising. It's easy to fill up a ton with temp and swap space.

  7. Yay!! So pleased for you - I feel sick at the thought of losing all the photos of my little tink.

    I'm fighting the urge to buy one of those stunning party dresses!!!

  8. fantastic news!!! So glad you got it all back.
