Tuesday 23 March 2010

Better late than never (maybe)

I've been tagged 642 times for various memes but I'm so rubbish at remembering that they never make it onto my blog. No more, my friends, I'm playing (partial) catch-up. Back in December, I was tagged by Mummy do that to provide pictorial evidence that I am freaky looking. Otherwise known as: show us a picture your child has drawn of you.

Maia drew this picture of me this morning. Clearly, I'm on the right. Uncanny, right? And to the left, a heart. Because we love each other. Some of the time. But not when she's whining.

And then Kitschensink tagged me in the 10th photo story. I was to open the first folder in My Pictures, and show you the 10th one. Here we go:
So. very. interesting. What have you learned? Maia has always looked the exact same. And our house has always been a total mess. But if I open the folder of things I've made (since having this computer), you get this as the tenth picture:Slightly. More. Interesting. After Maia outgrew her Moses basket (maybe fifteen minutes after being born?), we passed it on to a fecund relative.
But before that, I relined it in very sweet broderie anglais. I made it with a combination of ties and elastic so that it could be removed and washed.

Being a rule-breaker, I'm not going to tag anyone else because I'm sure everyone in the world has already been tagged. But feel free to pretend I did if you haven't.


  1. I have to confess that I never tag anyone, just leave it open for anyone to join in! That moses basket is really lovely btw.

    CJ xx

  2. Love the pic of you - thought that maybe you had cats ears before I read the caption and realised it was a heart - sweet!

  3. LOL I'm so tempted to say I'm awarding you the sunshine award..but I won't. cos I've had it so many times the sun is now shining from (end of comment deleted by author)
