Saturday 1 May 2010

Amanda, Serving Wench

I did not listen to you; I did not leave it alone.

It is a feat of engineering with its profusion of eyelets, a zippered blue twill lining and 450 darts.

Miles of lime green bias binding around the top edge. I quite possibly have a sway back.

It took 15 hours of sewing and 115 hours of staring. I did not make the deadline for submissions for Spring Top Week.

But I did submit it here!
make it wear it


  1. It is a fabulous top and you look amazing in it

  2. GENIUS!!!!! You look fantastic! I am once again left totally green eyed over both your sewing skills and your hubba, hubba, yummy, mumma physique.
    x K

  3. But it is adorable!!! Nice work!!

    My word verifications is "mammori" as in, "nice mammori's, Amanda!" LOL!!

  4. Love the wide shoulders! Great job! Now I get to sit here and be depressed on how uncute my wardrobe is and now will have an I-have-had-five-kids-an-will-NEVER-look-like-that-again pity party. :P

    My veri-word is popin. As in "you are popin fresh, Amanda."

  5. It just goes to show that you should have more faith in your ability. Well done. It looks amazing and you do in it.

  6. Sooo pretty you look fabulous in it!

  7. Love it (and your hilarious commentaries on all of your posts too!)

  8. You're so hot. The top is amazing - I can't even comprehend attempting something like that.

  9. You are a much braver woman than I! I'm the same boobage (is that a word? ) as you, and I've never been brave enough to attempt anything other than an underbust corset.
    You did great though, it's a super cute top.
    I wonder if seaming the cups more like a bra would work rather than the darts? (You probably already considered that idea.)

  10. Wow, you look stunning in that top. Great work!

  11. It's gorgeous! And even more amazing because of it's epic journey into creation! The pink with spots, and the green is very Kitschy Coo! :)

  12. It turned out awesome!!! Way to go you!! Now where can we buy some ;) xx

  13. wow, too bad your shirt missed the contest. It looks amazing on you!

  14. That is stunning! Just gorgeous! Helluva save!

  15. Its totally fab, if you had made the contest you would have got 11 out of 10. Great work. Kxx

  16. tis totally fab.. though not as fab as that trim little wait you have. * dispairs at my own flab and dies of jealousy*

  17. You see there should be a new phrase for things like that.....

    Kitschy Cool


  18. Wow, that top is amazing. Looks great too!

    I have a weekly Thursday blog party especially for people to share things they've made to be worn. Stop by if you'd like!

  19. deleting your page from my pc so Mr Nifty doesn't get to see your gloriousness! ;-)

  20. Looooook!!:

    There's a free pattern and everything!
    Not that your own home baked version isn't fabulous enough :)

  21. love the top. come join my weekly link party for those of us that make our style!
