Tuesday 4 May 2010

Aspiration in situ

If you haven't read my post about the lack of space in the house giving me coniptions, leading to probable divorce and one child murdering the other, start here.

Okay. I've started Phase One of Operation: Save our Collective Lives. Yesterday I spent three hours in the garage organising all our stuff into mountainous stacks. And then I tackled the living room, which is the room that is causing us the most problems as we all pretty much live in here. There are no fancy shelves yet but I've moved everything around to where they will roughly live in future and now have a better idea of the space I have to work with. So, drumroll please.....

LR before and after 3

Both pictures where taken from the doorway (so you can't see the dining room table that currently houses all of my work stuff) but now when you come into the room there is wide open space whereas before you had a narrow channel to travel around a couch and into a holding pen. Much, much better. Jamie was so effusive about the new living room that he was telling everyone at nursery, 'My mummy changed the room to make us more space!' It's a start.


  1. Wow! Such a difference! Can't wait to see it in the flesh, and then watch the kids mess it up (haha!).

  2. Amanda that looks amazing! x

  3. That looks great - amazing how changing things round makes such a difference - it looks so much bigger now!

  4. Makes a huge difference moving the furniture about. Looks really good, enjoy your sense of accomplishment!

  5. Nice work!! It's amazing what a bit of a change up will do.

  6. Wow! It looks so much bigger in the "after" picture.

  7. All that new space looks perfect for cutting fabric in :)
    I don't know if it will help in your quest for space, but I discovered vacum bags at the weekend. We're sorting out our loft and someone suggested I use them to store all of munchkin's baby clothes in. They're not too pricey and they save loads of room.

  8. Am inspired - it looks great...though I find that stuff accumulates as quick as i trudge it to the charity shop. More culling needed for my clutter!

  9. Blimey! That makes a huge difference. But where have you hidden it all??

    When we have people over I just stuff everything in cupboards and drawers, so for days afterwards my husband is constantly searching for his stuff... Him: "Darling, do you know where my new car tax form/receipt/cheque book/magazine etc. is?" Me: "Erm, maybe in a drawer?"

    Look forward to seeing your lovely crafty creations inspired by all that space xox

  10. It looks so much bigger with the sofas rearranged. Well done. Funny how small things can make such a big difference. Looking forward to phase 2!

  11. Wow, the difference is amazing. It looks cracking.

  12. That wide-open space is crying out for a dance party!

  13. think how much easier it will be for the kids to run around and play havoc
