Thursday 13 May 2010

Two down, fifty nine bajillion to go

One sleep to go: the iron's broken, the oven's still broken, I'm short on sleep and the recipient of a noctural flying headbutt that connected only with my eyeball. But I've completed one more gift.


  1. go girl go! you can do it... but if two things are broken that means there must be a third... *nods knowingly* our fire is broken, the sofa is broken, and now the camera is broken... the one camera i am allowed to use because it is dinky and not difficult and now its broken and I am bereft... I cannot blog pictures.. *weeps*U

  2. Oh no! The outfits look lovely though if that's any consolation.

  3. Dr. Maia!!! Love it!

    Is Jamie going to be a doctor too or does he have an alternative outfit?

    I've just finished 2 sets of army fatigues.... am now being mithered to make a "Belle dress" :D
