Friday 6 August 2010

If the Tabula Rasa was made of Polkadot fabric

square neck tunic front

As I've mentioned at least a hundred billion times, I'm struggling with what to make with my new fabrics. Skirts and dresses are out because we're back in Scotland the Arctic tundra and it's raining at least 36 inches every single day. Some of my favourite fabrics (I'm looking at you, Tufted Tweets) have such lovely prints that I don't want the design of the garment to obstruct or compete with the appreciation of the fabric.

square neck tunic back

So I set off today to design a blank slate, something simple without gathers or pleats or ruffles (basically the antithesis of the Jet Lag dress). Something would be all about the fabric. But not this fabric, it's just my muslin.

square neck tunic closer

Raglan sleeves, I love sewing you. Raglan sleeves, I do not love drafting you.

I have a few adjustments to make now I've seen it modelled but as a general concept is simpler sometimes better? Would you be attacted by this design in a delicious fabric or is it not enough of a special snowflake design wise?


  1. I love this! I am a sucker for red polka dots though.... I think that the design is cute and will be great for busy/crazy design fabrics. Actually I was thinking to myself that it would be a cute design as a knit too.

  2. As a lover of the mental print, I reckon a plain cut is good. A tiny bit of gathering or whatever isn't the end of the world, though, so maybe a teeny bit more shoulder interest could be incorporated into the pattern.

  3. I'm a big fan of the red with white polka dots, so I'd like it spotty!

  4. Catching up while still on vacation and seeing this while still drooling over your fabric goodies. LOVE it.

    I'm also a sucker for the busy fabrics (the polka dot Alexander Henry you used for your muslin for yourself is a favorite) and then can't think of what to make out of
    them. I'm often stuck with what to make for Rylee that's simple enough for her to wear but still cute in a variety of fabric types.

    I could also see this being SUPER cute in knits for winter, maybe even longer over leggings? And *cough* if you need a tester for it let me know. :)

  5. I think it's lovely. But then I have to say I am a sucker for simple cute garments. And I second the tester comment ;-)

  6. Personally, I'm often anti-special snowflake when it comes to design. A few key details are key, but I'm mostly not into the pleats and gathers and ruffles (oh my God, save me from most of the ruffles) that everyone else on the Internet seems so fond of. Give me a nicely shaped sleeve or an interesting angle (bias cut, A-line, etc.) or neckline, and I'm in. I think this top is entirely adorable, and I'd love it in some nice solid color, myself. Because I'm ornery that way. :-)


  7. It is lovely! and I thought it was a knit (coz I've got a very similar fabric, but in knit that I need to find something to make with it)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I like a simple design to show off the fabric and the child! That looks fab, but then everything always does on Maia :)
    I think the tufted tweets would make some great trousers/pants and a plain top with some tweets trim to coordinate?
    A simple pinafore always looks great over a long sleeve tee or jumper with leggings or tights for warmth.
    I'm surprised you're not planning some super cosy reversible dresses for our girly girls/awful climate!

  10. I like this top and think it work short sleeved too. I got a clothkits catalogue the other day and that has some dungerees with quite large prints which work well to to show off funky fabric (not on their website yet though). I wouldn't have a clue about making dungarees from scratch but thought they could look good in some of your new stash.

  11. Piping! Some co-ordinating (hell, even contrasting) piping in the seams would add a bit of interest without messing up the funkiness of the fabric design.

    I can't believe I didn't say this in my first comment, since I'm mildly obsessed with piping at the moment.

  12. I like it lots, both the fabric and the design. I like simple.

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  15. i think its a v cute top and as i have no taste in fabrics (everything is orange) i'll leave that bit to you, the things you usually come up with make me wish you'd adpot me!
