Wednesday 8 December 2010

The Big Reveal

I've mentioned a couple of times that I was working on a Big Project during the long periods of illness and snow cancellations, but it's finally complete and live.... I've got my first stockist!

Click here to order view!

The lovely Debbie from Monkey and Bo approached me after I made her daughter a tunic and asked me if I'd be willing to make a selection of limited edition hoodies and tunics for her shop. Of course I was more than willing, and despite the stress of sewing such a big order with the constant companionship of my invalids, I couldn't be more pleased. I'm not going to say how big the order was, but it did involve sewing sixty four sleeves on. Yikes.

These are the final hoodies I hadn't yet posted and they are for the bigger boys in sizes 5y/6y. I really hate taking pictures inside with our poor lighting, but the snow situation outside has prevented outdoor photoshoots. Beyond my own clearly wonderful offerings, Monkey and Bo stock a fabulous array of quirky and unique children's clothes and you should totally visit to buy my things lots of things.

Addendum: I'm thinking of a having a very quick fabric sale, starting today and running for the next couple of days... Who's in?


  1. That's great go you, I can not imagine the dedication it took to get those all sewn especially with the poxy ones around.

    Yey to the sale too, everyone loves a bargain!

  2. Go you! World domination is only a step away, I'm sure.

    And you know how I feel about buying fabric. Bring it oooooooooooooon.

  3. Congratulations!! How awesome!

  4. Congratulations, but it's no surprise, your things are awesome! YYYYEEEESSSSSSS to the fabric sale please (not that I'm overkeen or anything) x

  5. Awesome! Some day you'll have to tell us the truth about how you manage to make so many and beautiful clothes! I want to learn to have more time to sew!!!!

  6. Congratulatons, Looks fab on the site, should sell in no time, so you had better get sewing your summer collection for them!! Kxxx

  7. wow that's a lot of sleeves to sew! They look fantastic I'm sure they'll be snapped up in no time.

    Fabric sale, did someone mention fabric sale ;)

  8. Wow congrats, the hoodies look beautiful!

    Fabric sale? :-)

  9. Brilliant...well done you! I'll watch out for the sale later.

  10. ME ME ME!!!

    Gorgeous hoodies by the way. Very cool.

  11. Congratulations! I love the guitar hoodie with my whole heart.

  12. How fab! Congratulations :)
