Sunday 12 December 2010

If I delete this post later it's because he has a skull fracture and dinosaur jokes aren't funny

I have a fun new game. It's called, 'Is this my son or a dinosaur?'

My son:




  1. Oh my. Poor boy. What did he do? Fall from the stairs on top of a table or something? (Yeah, happened to me once). I hope his head is fine.

    And could it be a cross between the son and the dinosaur? ;-)

  2. I wasn't actually there to see it but apparently he was running full pelt and tripped, and flew Superman style through the air until his head connected with the doorknob! Never seen an egg like that before...

  3. Ouchies:(Hope it goes down soon.

  4. Impressive - the lump looks as big as the doorknob he hit!

    How do you say that dinosaur name? We have one of those in munchkin's dinosaur book and I can never sayw it. We used to make the names up but we stopped when she started pointing to them and saying 'Zebrasaurus' etc. :)

  5. wow - that is the mother of all bumps, respect.

  6. Ouch. He's got the look of the brave warrior though ;-)

  7. Oh, poor thing.

    I acquired a similar sized lump when I was in primary 2 and my forehead was at the exact level of the big lock on the school gate. One game of tig later and I had a right old egg on my forehead.

    I don't THINK it has affected my brain since, so I'm sure he'll be fine.

  8. Oh. My. Lord!! WOWsers! That looks painful!! A friend of mine has a son where the same thing happened. The bruise went down and then back up again 4 days later. He had to have an MRI b/c of it - it's fine though, just a really bad bruise. WOW...secret confession---I can't help but giggle at how angry he looks in the picture. I hope his head feels better soon!!!

  9. That's a stoater! Hope he's okay x

  10. crikey! bet he'll be proud of it as soon as it stops hurting!

  11. My youngest daughter (5) got one of these this summer. She was laying on the floor by my ironing board and next thing I hear is a "thunk." It seems she was pulling on the iron's cord. The good news was the iron wasn't plugged in. The bad news is that even if it's not plugged in, an iron to the forehead is never good.

    P.S. I love that Maia was jealous of her brother's photo shoot. Sometimes they really do miss the point.

  12. Oh bless him, but I bet it don't stop him running at full pelt into another door in the future! Kx

  13. Oh bless him, but I bet it don't stop him running at full pelt into another door in the future! Kx

  14. I'm glad this post is still here :)

  15. Yikes! Now wait for the lovely green color that follows. Hope he feels okay!
