Friday 4 March 2011

Dear America: Please can we have nice things?

Do you know what, America? We're supposed to have a 'special relationship'. Everyone says so. You are not making me feel special right now.

Is there any reason why people in the UK aren't allowed patterned duct tape? Do you want our duct-tape doppelgangers to look lacklustre while your doppelgangers look all sassy? It's called low self-esteem, America. You are probably giving your patterned duct tape to France so they can put on all their filing cabinets and notebooks. That would be so typical.


  1. But..but... you are America ??

  2. hmm, what would you do with your leopard skin or basket weave duct tape??

  3. ok I can see the need for duck tape that looks like metal but lepoard skin? It just wouldn't look the same in a action movie when then hero rips the duct tape from someone's face with out and hair or skin or half their face tearing off with it.

    I am so buying a roll of fancy pants duct tape in April when we are in the wilds of Idaho fighting off bears and amorous moose with only a pack of pampered pugs to save us.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. All right, Liz, you've got me there. I do normally consider myself American. Except when it comes to Americans having nice things like patterned duct tape. Then I'm disenfranchised.

    Kate and Apryl: I don't necessarily mean leopard skin or basket weave tape. This is just a selection of the dozens of designs on offer. I would cover everything with them. And Apryl, stop rubbing it in :)

  6. You can get patterned duck tape? Oh. My. Word! Or rather, *they* can get patterned duck tape...

  7. Just arrived from Crafterhours and I´m enjoying reading backwards through your blog.

    But don´t blame the French. We can only buy very expensive, plain grey stuff round here. Of course France is a big country so maybe it is available in Paris. Round here the Parisians get blamed for all sorts of things.
