Friday 25 March 2011

(Super gross) x infinity: A cautionary tale

I didn't think too much about hosting my bathing suit shots on Flickr as I did it before and had no major problems. These pictures, however, were quickly favourited by a motley crew of men with gag-inducing albums of favourites so I just blocked, blocked, blocked. I got a dozen notifications that random men set me as their contacts. Block, block, block. One of the pictures went semi-viral last night. And then I received a comment of 'Can I take this bathing suit off you?'... In German.... By someone with a profile picture of his crotch.

Pictures are now hosted on the blog where they're less likely to be happened upon by gross people and Flickr has been set to friends and family only. Feel free to add me as a contact if you're not a pervert.


  1. Admit it, there's still a little tiny voice in the back of your head saying to yourself "Yeah, after two kids, i'm still hot"! lol

  2. Oh my goodness! I never would have thought!

  3. what a nightmare! creepy creepy creepy...!

  4. Yesterday morning, there was a comment left on a friend's Flickr photo, of a bra she'd made, modeled on a tailor's dummy...the guy told her what he'd like to do all over the bra, and asked if she sold panties!!! Maybe it was a special online day for all the perverts?!
    But seriously...I'm sorry that you've had these pervs leering at you. You do look great in a swimsuit though!

  5. Oh gosh, who'd have thought it?! How strange some people are.

  6. Sorry but I did laugh....there are some serious weirdos out there!!

  7. Oh gawd, the violation!

    But yah, after 2 kids, *whistles* :D

  8. Oh dear. I had similar after posting pictures of a necklace I made years ago, with lots of little silver and pearl beads that sat across my decolletage. That was when I discovered the other meaning of "pearl necklace" and gagged gently to myself.

    You do look smoking hot, though, I agree.

  9. Oh no, yuk! They were such lovely pics too. Hope it doesn't spoil your enjoyment of your super cute and stylish cossie!

  10. Ewww, I'm sorry. Really not nice to have landing in your inbox.

  11. Grr, baby. I'm rolling over here. How hilarious/traumatizing. Perfect picture to go with this post.

    When I get pervs going for me I like to go into this big long thing where I pretend to be into it for about 30 seconds and then 'confess' that the picture is me like 6 years, 4 kids, and 60lb ago, and I am so glad I finally found somebody to talk to and I think we have a real connection!!!1!
    You'd be surprised how long it takes some pervos to backpedal, though... One guy stuck with me through most of a labor story, diligently trying to get things back on track in a pervy direction, right up until I started explaining what an episiostimy is. And then... poof! Gone! Guess we didn't have anything special after all T__T

  12. Oh jeeze! Thw world does worry me sometimes. Whilst you look lovely in your bathers, they are hardly pornographic or even skimpy. Where do these idiots hide. Dont worry about them, us girls admire you for totally the right reasons

  13. Ack! Horrifying! And here you were just being normal too! Not scandalous, simply modest and lovely. Sigh. Men.
    Still, there's that ego boost... haha.

  14. Ewww...icky. I used to post videos of Rylee on YouTube until I noticed someone subscribed to my feed. Who, besides a grandparent, wants to see a video of a three month old baby doing nothing? Gross. Everything is on Facebook now.

  15. Urghhh, but you know it doesn't have to be bathing suits, my pics of my best friend wearing the wedding dress I made her got some weird/gross comments from a guy whose only pic was of himself in stockings and high heels!

    You looked great in those pics btw, I hope all these pervs haven't grossed you out too much.

    Oh yes and thank you for the fabric parcel. Hubby paid, so you'd have sent them to Andrew Wood. I couldn't see anywhere to leave feedback. x

  16. Oh, the Flickr pervs!

    I once had a similar thing when I posted photos of me wearing my hand knitted socks.

    I got a sock perv. His favourites were all socks. Feet in socks. Women in socks. Socks.

    He'd added my sock pictures to his favourites.

    I blocked him.

    Laura x
