Wednesday 23 March 2011

The technical term for you guys is 'Enablers'


  1. COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL! give it a hug from me!

  2. yeah but that why you love us and listen to us... because we all have amazingly awesome jedi powers. *nods*

  3. Uh-oh. Sewing machine porn. Filthy.

  4. Laughed out loud at the 2nd picture. I can almost hear the magical "brrrrringggg!" sound.

    Enjoy! I'm so jealous although I haven't had time to sew anything in over a month.

  5. Aw, I love your blog, you always raise a smile!

  6. Delighted to have been of assistance! Got my fabric yesterday and it's all perfect, thanks so much. x

  7. I'm getting in the car now, will be there in 7 hours to see it in person...

  8. Tsching tsching tsching!!!
    Oooo... Can I fondle it? :D

  9. Ha! That's hilarious! Pretty much how I feel about my serger though - you are going to freak at how awesome and FAST it is!

  10. That machine is way more sparkly than I imagined it would be. Congratulations!

  11. I can hear the "tah-daaaaaaaah!" from here!

  12. So. Jealous. I'm saving my pennies though, so I should be joining you in a couple of months - if only i an stop buying fabric. I can't wait to see what you do with it! Did you get the binder foot? Totally want one of those!!

  13. Is it sad that the thought of a new machine like that makes me more excited than a night alone with the husband?

  14. Hooray for coverstitch machines! I am coveting one so badly. Can't wait to see how you get on with it.

  15. So thats where my money went! Fabric arrived and is gorgeous. Thanks. Have hidden it away in my sewing room!!

  16. Heeeeeeee! Awesome indeed.

    Have fun with it - and let us know how you get on....

  17. Awesome!

    And right back atcha with the enabling. I would never have bought the chili peppers or the ribbing if it hadn't been your sale.

  18. Woowie! I love it that the box now says that the contents are awesome:)

  19. Oh boy now I'm second guessing my choice of the brother coverhem. I finally decided to bite the bullet and get a coverstitch machine and I chose the brother over the Janome. It hasn't arrived yet. Did I pick wrong? Yikes. I am second guessing so hard core right now. Maybe mine won't throw showers of golden light upon arrival.
