Friday 1 April 2011

International Day of Delurking

After reading an interesting article yesterday about blog commenting, I had every intention of writing a post about stats, engagement and page views to commenting ratios. Obviously, such a titallating post would require a suitable photo to accompany it so I promptly did a Google Image search for 'being sneaky' (i.e. to represent the 95% of you who read without commenting) and found this miniature horse:

'He's being sneaky here with his foot'*.

*Allegedly. To me he's looking previous obvious.

Although I have since found out that official Delurker Day is 12 January, with today being April Fools Day and everyone obviously being in the requisite festive spirit, I would like to invite the lurkers to stick their heads above the parapet and say hello. If you're struggling with what to say, talk about Sneaky Horse's inherent un-sneakiness. Or your theories as to why Lilloet British Columbia is the Number One 'being sneaky' image. This town looks okay to me:

Also, possible delurking comments could pertain to why someone thinks these pandas are sneaky:

Again, this looks like normal panda behaviour to me but I'm no expert. To an untrained eye, completely above the board eating with no sneakiness.

If you would like to delurk by saying, 'Actually, that animal is totally being sneaky' this picture is for you.

So, who is going to delurk? Please can someone do it or I'll have to delete this post and then probably shut down the blog in disgrace.


  1. just me then, but I'm always here. anybody else out there?

  2. I am here too, quietly lurking in the background with the pandas and sneaky horse!

  3. Me, but I generally reply to you over on LJ/twitter

  4. actually I've been getting a lot less comments lately, it's a bit demoralising sometimes, maybe I should rally the lurker troops over at my blog today.

  5. Not a lurker, but always happy to say hello, well, howdy anyway. Cute pandas!

  6. It's not delurking if you've commented before is it? Actually I get a lot less comments than I used to too. Then again, I post less than I used to, I comment less on other blogs than I used to what with having no time at all for myself, and also I'm less interesting than I used to be*.

    (*Fact. Had a baby. Never go out. No time to read. No concentration span for anything longer than ten minutes.)

  7. I'll delurk! And I have to say, having been to Lillooet, I found it to be very transparent. Not sneaky at all. But then again maybe they have me right where they want me...

  8. This is Little Grandma; here I am, delurking!

  9. Hello hello! I don't comment very much as I feel a total fraud as I don't sew very much (ok, hardly ever) but I like your blog. You are funny. In the complimentary sense that is.

  10. I suspect some lurkers might continue to do so... Otherwise, they wouldn't be called lurkers, sadly :)

    Let's see how the rest of this Delurking day goes!

  11. Hello. I am delurking just because I will cry if you stop writing this blog. I love it here.

  12. Hello! I love the sneaky horse...not sure what else to say! I do comment sometimes :)

  13. OK. I admit it. I lurk every single day... I'm a bad person.

  14. I lurk but I do buy fabric from time to time. Can I stay?

  15. Is it lurking if I have acknowledged the reading of your posts on Twitter? Commenting via an iPhone keypad makes for tricky work that makes my fingers feel itchy and then blogger inevitably loses my comment while I sign in and then misspell the word verification.

    However, I am delurking today because I am on my laptop and because I wanted to say that I think you have displayed an unusually large number of sneaky animals, which deserves to be commented on...and in doing so it means that I am not one of those animals any longer...but just a normal commenter on your blog.


  16. I admit it, I have been lurking. what can i say? Canadians are shy.

  17. I'm browsing from my phone so I wasn't going to comment, but given your post topic I thought I should (even if my "h" key sticks!)

  18. Left-most panda is clearly sneaking off, probably going down the bookies to lose money on a chimera race then to spend the rest of his cash in the pub.

    Or maybe the panda is a man trapped in a panda suit after a bizarre sexperiment and is going ask the photographer for help to undo the zip.

    Now you'll wish I lurked! ;-)

  19. Well, as I comment sporadically, I am not technically a lurker. I will comment though, because I lurk at many other blogs.

  20. I'm here...I lurk...just like the 'gator in that last photo....


  21. I lurk, I sometimes comment, but mainly lurk.......

  22. *tilts head to the side* I have no idea why any of those images are sneaky.. I have looked and looked... I am blind as a mole so perhaps that's why... I don't tend to get many comments on my blog unless I have some sort of breakdown in the blogsphere about my life my doubting myself (which is all the time but I don't tend to blog about it very much)

  23. Wow, I am one of your "lurkers." Just found your blog a few weeks ago but have enjoyed going through past posts. And, who doesn't love a sneaky pony? I'll try to post from now on!

  24. I'm a lurker as I'm almost always on my iphone & just can't be bothered to click through and comment. I'm that lazy. I have bought fabric though, so hopefully that'll mean I can stick around for a bit...

    ...and that horse? Not sneaky at all...the person next to it trying to convince it to eat something? Don't. Trust. Her (Him?!)

  25. You haven't been giving me summaries of acceptable responses and I certainly would hate to have to think of something clever out of my own head!

  26. I'm always here, sometimes I comment but mostly am clutching my belly trying not to wee laughing at your posts! x

  27. My name is Anna, Ive been stalking your blog for almost 2 years (think I found you through Craftster?) Your clothes are supper cute, and your kids are flat out adorable. Thanks for sharing your life with us :)

  28. I try and comment when I can but until recently most blog providers apart from wordpress seemed to hate me...I do comment via twitter when I can

  29. I tend to talk to you on twitter does that count? ;) @miaolsen

    But while I'm here: where did you get the pattern for the bathing suit, (if you made it, would you sell it?) and where do you generally buy your fabric? As this is Denmarks creme dela creme in fabric selection:

  30. I am here, I do lurk sometimes and comment sometimes, but always read! Thannks for quoting my article.

  31. Wow, looks like you got a lot of lurkers so far!

  32. With regards to the panda foto....

    Thats what they want you to think 0_o

    hence sneakiness

  33. With regards to the panda foto....

    Thats what they want you to think 0_o

    hence sneakiness

    (bwah at using other peoples computers....grr)

  34. I'm not lurky, I tend to be a commenter. I'm actually kind of creepy in the exact opposite direction.
    When I'm being sneaky I'm totally sneaky like a panda. Which roughly translates to 'opposite of sneaky,' I reckon.

  35. I'm a semi-lurker. Sometimes something springs to mind that I want to say but it looiks a bit werid cos you don't know me, whereas of I kinda feel I know you, a teeny tiny bit anyway.

    And now I look like a freaky stalker weirdo.

  36. I'm a lurker, I'll admit. My secret is out dammit.

  37. Stresshead Red1 April 2011 at 20:45

    hmm I'll own up as a secret lurker too. I am somewhat disappointed though...surely a post on lurking could have featured the lovely Eric somewhere, there surely must be room for some sexy vampire lurking?!

  38. Oooo I might be a I? I think I may have commented once or twice..anyways, hello from the suburbs of lurkville :) x

  39. Hiya

    I love reading your blog and I think the things you sew are so beautiful! Sorry I've not commented before. Have a lovely weekend. If you ever have a spare 5 minutes please take a look at my review

    Best wishes. xx

  40. Hello, is there a crocodile head on the roof of that stall thing? (as well as the other one).
    Anyway I comment occasionally, but tend to lurk as I can't sew & therefore feel a fraud.
    However, you have inspired me to get a sewing machine (£50 second hand) and next month I am having a 'make friends with your sewing machine' 3 hour lesson to begin with. Thank you for making such lovely thing I just couldn't put it off any longer!

  41. I'm a lurker too. Love your blog, you're very funny. But mainly I read so I can go 'she made that in one evening?!?!' and feel ashamed of the fact it takes me months to make things that never look anywhere like as lovely. Keep blogging and I'll keep lurking!

  42. S&*t. You caught me. I'm afraid of saying anything more and sounding stalker-like. I'm not admitting to anything more than making a lot of my children's clothes reversible now.

    Speaking of which, I could send over some photos of my children, if you find yourself still in need of sneaky subjects.

  43. Ok, I'll delurk with four minutes to go. I read all these crafting/sewing/cooking blogs and then have no time (am useless anyway) to do any of it!)

    Like the sneaky horse I always put my foot wrong.

  44. I think this is the first time I've ever been called out for lurking and felt ashamed.

  45. I'm sneaky too. I live a couple of hours away from Lilloet. I don't think there's anything sneaky about it. :-) I like what you do here but don't always have time to comment.

  46. And just in case you're interested.. you can go white water rafting on the river by Lilloet. I did and it's a blast.

  47. I've been lurking here since I was a "cool girl" for the skirt sewalong! I always enjoy your humor!!

  48. The horse is a little freaky.

    I always read but rarely comment, that thing called life tends to get in the way these days.

    I love the word delurk - I always do it on my blog in January.

  49. yep lurk lots but never comment. Hi from Canberra Australia!

  50. Ooh, am I too late for the party? I confess, I am a lurker. I don't usually comment because no one knows me but I really enjoy seeing what you've created. Thanks!

  51. You had better add me to the list of lurkers! I love making patchwork quilts rather than clothes but read your blog because it's so funny. Good idea this delurking!

  52. I sometimes comment & buy your destashing fabric. But mainly lurk to see what lovely stuff you are making & it inspires me.

  53. I lurk - and am also several days behind (one reason I often just lurk).
