Friday 20 May 2011

If Darwin was alive today he'd probably write about this evolution

Holy moly, guys... I only made the final four in the Spring Top Sewalong! I totally wasn't expecting that. I don't want to totally spam my blog talking about this top ALL OF THE TIME, but please forgive a tiny bit more navel gazing... The Train To Crazy mentioned on Twitter that it might be interesting to post the Evolution of The Never-ending Dress Quest (which culminated with the Spring Top) so here goes:

It all started with this Jamie dress, straight off the printer with no alterations:

After rotating the straps to vertical and removing most of the gathers along the neckline, I had this:

Then I removed all of the elastication from the neckline and lowered it heaps:

I didn't like the gathers, so I draped it to form darts. I also made it a v-neck instead of a scoop neck:

For my final(ish) dress I took it in as far as my body would allow without asphyxiating. I then failed to take proper pictures:

Don't worry this one is pretty much identical:

And, finally, I made it into a top with a lot more ease and greater neckline modesty:

So there we go then. Go forth and cast your votes! The other tops are fantastic so it's a real privilege being a finalist :)


  1. I LOVE THE BLUE POLKA DOT ONE!!! with the red shoes...killer..

  2. Congratulations on the top four! I think my favorite of the group is the blue polka dot dress. It's inspiring to see all the alternations you did. I just did my first FBA on a pattern and need to sew up the dress.

  3. Congratulations on making the final! It's nice that all the finalists get a prize, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you to WIN.

  4. Congrats on making the final four! I lobe your top so U voted for it again. Good luck!!!!

  5. Oh I so love this post. That is SO COOL how it evolved. LOVE IT! Excellent Job!!

  6. love all of them.....gorgeous

  7. Oops, I got there too late to vote. I am enamoured enough of the full length zip to say that the top is my favourite of them all. Hope you win!

  8. Hi Amanda, Love all the variations of the Jamie dress. Did you buy a pattern or have you drafted it yourself. Just the dress I am looking for to make for my daughter.
    Jenny x

  9. Wow! I'm so impressed, excellent job!

  10. I love love love your final dress and top! I feel so inspired, I would LOVE to make myself such beautiful things.

  11. Breathtaking and so inspiring to me!

  12. I love all the Jamie dresses & the top. I've been looking for this style for awhile - where can I get the pattern?

  13. I want all of those dresses. Now!
