Sunday 12 June 2011

Right. Everyone in Edinburgh gets a tunic.

woodland chain tunic

Birthday Party Extravaganza has reached epic proportions. I don't understand it, there were very few birthday parties the rest of the year but now--- Every. Single. Weekend. For both the kids. It's so prolific I'm not even getting the chance to photograph the presents I'm making all these kids. Because I'm mostly sewing things an hour before the party.

woodland chain tunic

The birthday girl on this occasion has the most beautiful ebony skin. I wanted to pick the most popping, the most brightest, fabric I have. Step forward Woodland Chain Organic from Birch fabrics. Do you know, before I purchased a (large) order of organic fabric I wasn't sure it'd be worth the extra expense? It's worth it. They are so crisp, with a really nice handle.

I almost feel I need to change this blog name to Tunics All the Time as that's pretty much all I've been making these days. Or Tunics and Jumpsuits. Speaking of which, to answer the questions from last post, weeing occurs when the jumpsuit is pulled right down. It's a peasant elasticated neck and elasticated waist so it's no bother what-so-ever for independant bathroom trips. The market is semi-saturated with jumpsuit patterns these days but any interest?


  1. Loving this fabric, what a gorgeous colour!

    Very interested in a jumpsuit pattern, here :)

  2. i so need to invite your kids to my daughters party! that tunic is beautiful, i have to say that that colour looks good on my tiny too, no idea why as shes very blond, but tans easily (in a alpine swiss way! my grandpas hertiage!). Partys in july, any chance you'll be near solihull then?

  3. Well it's clear why you have so many parties to go to; you need to stop making clothes for the birthday boys and girls....although not until after you've got been to Jack and Lou's birthdays ;)
    That tunic is fab!

  4. can you make a jumpsuit pattern for me?!! i'm desp for a decent one, all the one's i tried on in shops yesterday made me look like a Giant baby!!!! haha :-(

  5. I so need to make my little one that jumpsuit, I've run out of dresses to make her! Oh and I'm overloading on tunics too!
