Friday 8 July 2011

The Disco Dress

Disco dress detail

In my infinite wisdom, I decided the day before our trip was the perfect time to draft a new dress pattern. And try out my coverstitch machine. For the very first time. I know I bought it months ago. Stop judging me. I adapted my cowl neck pattern to a normal neck and switched the set-in sleeves for dolman-esque sleeves. The geometric knit was from the stash, and on such a big scale it really couldn't be anything other than a dress. Although in actual fact it really wants to be a jumpsuit so I can form an ABBA tribute band.

Disco dress close

You are more than welcome to discuss the dress, or if you'd rather you can speculate as to what I'm doing with my hand in this picture. The Claw? Being threatening towards someone? Dance move? A gang sign?


  1. The Claw! The Claw!

    That is a tremendous frock and I must applaud you for stepping away from the cowl. I knew you could do it.

  2. I did wonder if you were trying to swat a fly? But as my husband would say (very unpolitically correctly); are you having a spazattack?! I know it's wrong but is the Davies' generic term for anything clumsy, out of the ordinary or just plain weird? Which is it Amanda?? Lovely frock x

  3. I thought you took a picture of yourself and somehow photoshopped out the camera.

    The dress is cute with those kicks.

  4. Yeah, my brain went to 'rawr!' right away with the hand thing before you even mentioned it. Like a bear! My older one is obsessed with bears so my mind tends to jump straight to bears regardless, though.
    I like the dress, much to my own surprise with that fabric! I'd wear it. But belted because I wear everything belted, my figure is such that I need a visual aid to identify my waist region...

  5. Hmmm, Action Man had hands like those. Do you have eagle eyes as well? Perhaps you're turning into him...
    Fingers crossed for a quick recovery! :¬)

  6. Dress looks so cool I didn't notice your hand until I read your comments! Can't guess what might be going on there!

  7. I love that dress!! You are so talented. :)

    Gemma x

  8. Awesome! Madly in love with this fabric, I am.

  9. love the dress, it's a perfect use of that fabric! As for the claw, I have to say it looks like you're trying to grab your own boob and make some awful "Honk Honk" joke!

  10. By looking at your hand / claw, I think you might have been caught trying to say "No, kids not now", or "No flash please" :D

  11. I thought you were telling the person behind the camera: "Just turn the camera a bit, sweety. No, the other way around. Ah yes, there you go"

    What a fun dress!

  12. I can't believe I'm the first person to suggest you were attempting the little known self administered boob grab.

    Either way, that is a cracking dress. As always, I am much in awe of your talents.
