Friday 19 August 2011

Situation Vacant

This really isn't the first picture of Jamie and Robbie, just the first on this current computer. They're two.

Another one bites the dust, guys. I've mentioned before that I appear to trigger a diaspora within my (admittedly small) circle of super-close friends, forcing them to move outwith my immediate clutches. First BFF back to Australia, second to Northern Ireland, and tomorrow the first very close friend I made post-children is moving to the very south coast. Liz and I met in antenatal group when we were pregnant with our boys and we've spent somewhere between 1500 and 2500 hours since then eating biscuits, walking like it's our full-time jobs, and swapping tales of horror and schadenfreude. We had our boys, we had our girls, and the (two- four-) six of us have been a constant feature for the last six years. I can't even verbalise how much I'll miss her, my first mum friend. When we said goodbye this week Maia and I cried our faces off (Jamie alternated between playing his DS and offering us platitudes of comfort). But our loss is your gain: I have a situation vacant within my cosy coterie.
Female, 31, seeks similar for friendship and possibly more (and by more I mean intense friendship). Must enjoy lamenting fate, self-deprecation, being a dork, and coffee. Interests include Vikings, fabric porn, obscure films, travel*, and books.
And here's the bonus: TRAVEL. Steven is currently in Spain visiting his parents (post-accident, they are still there). Four full days. And he has taken all of his holidays so I will spend my birthday next week by myself / with the kids. Ergo- I deserve a holiday of my own.

Those in the UK, I await volunteers for travel companions. Those in Europe, fight amongst yourselves as to who will host us. I am at least 73% serious.


  1. Come to Arizona for holiday. We had to turn off the passive solar heater to the pool because it hit 100. We have more vodka in the freezer than I care to contemplate. And my package just came from the Fabric Fairy clearance sale. We can talk about how much you miss your friends who moved away and how much I miss the ones I moved away from. And how TV Sookie is too bland for a Viking.
    (but you have to ignore the dust bunnies that are really the size of dust kangaroos)

  2. Travel to London and I'll be your temporary bff in London!

  3. My best work drinking buddy who became my best antenatal/baby friend when we had kids went and moved back to Perth in Oz 3 years ago. I still miss her! I'm thinking a fabric buying trip should be on the cards!! Japan anyone??

  4. You and your brood would be welcome in Seattle, WA USA . . . but it's a freakishly expensive flight! I could only afford it by combining every frequent flyer mile I had and all my graduation money. (I wouldn't come for the weather, it's virtually the same as Scotland.)

  5. I too have the same problem with friends... mine are in Aberdeen, Manchester and one of my my closest post baby friend is in the borders now, all too far to go for a coffee!

  6. If you ever need a BFF in Manchester then let me know, and I'll do likewise if I'm north of the border :)
    I can take you to my fave fabric shop - which has a fab little tea room/cafe attached and an outdoor playground (husbands and children catered for leaving more time for the girls to shop! LOL) AND we can celebrate our birthdays together as it's mine next week too!

    I'm with Sew Scrumptious on the Japanese fabric trip though - only downside is that I'd probably bankrupt myself!

  7. I also lament the loss of the friends I bonded with over the shared experience of new mummydom, though I still see them it's not the same as hanging out for hours with each other. Though it's always easy to pick up where we left off.

    Rach I'm in Manchester & need to know the location of the fabulous sounding fabric shop please.

  8. PS the only reason I didn't volunteer to go away with you is that I'm days away from giving birth & running away is not an option! 

  9. Much as I would love to apply for the situation (as a dorky, fabric loving woman prone to lamentation I have many of the desired qualities). However I cannot apply as I too am a repeller. Whenever I have made a new friend then I start a countdown to when they will flee to the states or New Zealand or southernest England or Scandanavia). If we were to become BFFs then it would force you to have to move far away, or I would have to move far away. Or maybe worse - the world would maybe end if two repellers became BFFs. It's not worth the risk, especially from your point of view as I live next to Arthur's Seat so it's not so good for travel.

    Saying that, I'm definitely up for a Kitschy Coo led exodus to Japan. I'm hyperventilating at the thought of the fabric porn.

  10. I'm one of those ones who did the moving away, woe! Woe! I'm always up for new cool friends, and I'm not going anywhere! (Unless I move back to Seattle someday, that is.)

  11. I don't really do well with BFFs either but for different reasons. Not sure I'd be a good applicant but I'm up for the hot pool and cold vodka, race you to aunt ninn's!! x

    PS: word verificaton abithott *snort*

    PPS: Am near Manchester, where is this child friendly fabric oasis?? x

  12. Pick me! Pick me!....I'll be your new BFF from Hertford. We have just returned from over sea's and not going anywhere else any time soon. During our absence we had a new shed put up in the garden which is currently empty...Could definitely accommodate a couple of inflatable beds!!!!!
    It has to be said that the majority of my BFF's are long distance relationships too, So maybe Im a repeller as well...Hmmmm never thought of it like that before.....*Sniff, sniff's under arms*......
    SKYPE!...Best thing to be had on a monitor screen since S4,e7 of True Blood (Eric spends most of it NAKED...OH MY!!!)
    x K

  13. My DD has just been torn away from me to go to the US with her husband who has been very silly and got himself a job there for a few years, so if you fancied an elderly-auntie type of BFF there's a vacancy here in Cambridge too :) Really enjoy your blog and am in awe of your drafting skills!

  14. I am also near Manchester and would like to know the location of aforementioned dream fabric shop, although I am suspecting Rach made it up just to lure KC into her offer of friendship.

    I can try and trump Rach with the Magic Fabric Shop, located somewhere in deepest darkest Lancashire, where nearly everything's under £3 a metre and if you're lucky you can buy Miffy fabric and sewing patterns for £1. I am currently only doing de-caff due to pregnancy, but I'm still fond of a cup. I have guilt in bagfuls, a new (secondhand) overlocker, and I'm 4 years older than you, so you'll always look better than me :)

  15. I haven't had a BFF since I left my childhood county of Suffolk in 1996, and then left all my childhood friends behind. I am a little older than you (39) and have 2 children 17 and 7, and interests seem the same as yours, (next year I will start Viking re-enactment again!!)

    If you want a pal, to write to, chat to, confide in, then I'm ya gal!!!!

    If you want of course.

  16. Roberta, Daisy and Pickled Weasel.

    Am such a fabric dork that "near" is actually North Wales so not exactly handy (although I did persuade husband and 3 kids to drive there today as they had a family fun day LOL! Bouncy castle, face paints and 15% off everything - too good to miss).

    It's Abakhan fabrics in Mostyn (this side of Rhyl so not TOO far!) although they do have a slightly less child friendly (i.e. no playground, no cafe and not open on a sunday) branch in central Manchester which is perfect if you just want fabric :)

  17. I'm sorry she's gone, A. But good luck with your recruitment! :-)

    And should you find yourself travelling to Cambridge, shout!

  18. Thanks Rach - you're preaching to the converted, I'm already a regular at the Preston branch :) Although I have been trying to persuade Mr Pickledweasel that we need a day trip to north wales. Unfortunately he's already been to Rhyl :(

  19. i'd like to threw my hat in the ring!
    reasons why i should be your new BFF

    1. living in melrose now so relatively near.
    2. our daughters have the same name, so less new names to learn.
    3. are your children accident prone like mine- no problem- we live near the hospital. also i think with borders general being a relatively big hospital in a small town i think there are more health professionals per capita , than in any other town.
    4.there is a nice bakery in walking distance.
    5. i have an oven. that works.
    6. there is a cute fabric shop. and a crafters co op shop.

    i also am 73% serious!

  20. Well, if by any remote chance your options dwindle so much that you'd like to come to Chelmsford (UK, not Mass.), then you're welcome. We have the odd Viking in the vicinity, and a smallish fabric shop. Only moved a month ago and am missing where I used to live, with all the pregnancy friends. That had a kick-ass fabric shop and the best patisserie within walking-in-slippers range I have ever enjoyed. Sigh.
