Wednesday 1 February 2012

The Big Reveal of Top Secretness

Turquoise cloud trousers by me. Sublime gorgeousness courtesy of Kat.

I could never be a Secret Agent, it's too hard. The culmination of nearly a year's information-gathering, form-filing, Google-Translating, VAT-registering, stealth-sewing, photo-editing mayhem is ready to be shared. What's new with me?

Big Reveal clothes

Oh, you know, just a whole new clothing range... What else, you ask?

Big Reveal fabrics

A Scandi fabric shop!

Stayed tuned for more information over the next couple of days, but for now if I don't get out of this computer chair I'm going to be hospitalised.


  1. Ooooooh! How exciting, on both counts! :) Looking forward to learning more...

  2. Congratulations!! That is super exciting!!
    And the *new* blog header looks cool. I miss so much just hanging out in Reader.

  3. The fabric is amazing and i am sure i will be spending a lot of money on it

  4. Congratulations! Are you trying to bankrupt me?

  5. Wow, it looks so cool Amanda! Great clothes and fabric :)
    Sorry to be impatient, but are there dresses to come? My little one is constantly demanding dresses to wear and I desperately NEED a rainbow mushrooms dress just like Maia's Christmas dress, pretty please!

    1. Yes, dresses to come! Just launching with the basics to begin with but I have a lot more designs planned :)

    2. Yay!! Very exciting - good luck :)

  6. Clothes! That boys can wear! That aren't blue or brown or only have rockets, ships or trains on them! Loving it :)

  7. Mysterious computer person1 February 2012 at 22:06


    Will there be iPad covers too, and perhaps the option to choose the fabric with which to envelope the shiny toys?

  8. Wow, how cool are u!!!!!! V v green ( with jelousness)

  9. Congrats! You have been busy. Looks amazing. Lovely fabrics. x

  10. Wow, wow, wow! Congrats! Everything looks great!!

  11. Clever you! Good luck with it all!

  12. I was going to say - Wow, fantastic! But I've just spent all my overtime money in your store, too tempting by half!!

  13. Ooooh! I think I may have just wet myself a bit with excitement. Those fabrics! Those trousers!
