Thursday 5 July 2012

Reunited and it feels so good

fourth july watching 

As we've done the last three years, we rang in the Fourth of July with the mega-parade in Pittsfield, MA. At two hours long and with participants from as far away as Maryland, it's a big parade and lot for smaller people to sit through in blazing heat.

fourth july dress

The night before we left for the States I stayed up all night long doing some last night sewing. We had to leave for the airport at 3:30am, so it wasn't that much later than I sometimes stay up working. The priority was making Maia's Fourth of July dress because although I always cut and bring a bunch of projects to finish here, I have a hard time actually doing it. That sunshine is irresistible.

fourth july top

Jamie wore his questionably feminine stripey Dolman, and looked as masculine as could be.

fourth july family

Even Steven and I red-white-and-blued it up. I'm wearing my Colette Parfait, and received an unsolicited 'Nice dress' from the man who served us our lunch. I resisted the urge to tell him how the waistband has semi-circular under-bust drag lines.

fourth july wheelie

We love us some Shriner wheelie action.

fourth july dad

If you look closely in my Dad's glasses, you can just about see Maia looking Fifty Shades of Grumpy. Hot hot heat and prolonged parade watching non-withstanding, she'd been seriously pining for her cousin, Isla, who had flu last week and remained in Boston.

fourth july isla

This tale has a happy ending, however, as the girls were reunited after the parade. This is the moment they clapped eyes on each other. Had I rotated camera left, I would have captured the demented glee on Maia's face.

fourth july isla 2

Much like this. They compared height...

fourth july isla 3

And then they were off.


  1. Awesome. And dang - those are some superb pictures x

  2. So sweet. Your family is beautiful and very festive. And I LOL'd at the semi-circular drag lines.

  3. Debbie - monkey and bo5 July 2012 at 18:08

    It looks like you're all have a fabulous time and glad to see you have the yearned for sunshine. Absolutely adore Maia's elated face and Jamie's looking very cool in his dolman!

  4. I made some questionably feminine red and blue pants for my guy. He was sick and didn't get to wear them much on the 4th. Now I feel the urge to make him wear them other days. I'm conflicted.

    Enjoy your vacation!

  5. I CAN'T BELIEVE you were in Pittsfield! I live like 45 minutes from there! Super adoable pics... And bonus points for the Red Sox gear. ;D

  6. Maia and her cousin are soooo cute, happy 4th July!

  7. Looks like a great parade! BK wanted to know "who that girl is that's wearing my clothes and sandals". I tried to explain that it wasn't her blue and white stars ensemble nor her sandals but she wasn't buying it.;)

  8. How funny, and what a small world. Since you saw that parade, you saw my great uncle - he was the Irishman of the Year of the Berkshires or something along those lines. I wasn't there, but a ton of my family was. I live about an hour and ten minutes from Pittsfield.

    Beautiful photos!

  9. Aw - precious! And how cool to get an unsolicited comment on the dress! Now for the bathing suit....(waiting for pics)...

  10. Your Shriners are badass! Ours drive the mini-three-wheelers in formations. They drive me crazy... My youngest has noise issues and between every emergency vehicle in the region blaring horns and sirens and the engines on the Shriner-mobiles I've spent f o r e v e r with my hands over her ears.

    It was 102 degrees for our parade this year... The same as the age of the oldest participant a lovely 102-year-old woman that someone must have wanted to die a slow, painful death by heat stroke as they had her dressed as Lady Liberty.
