Tuesday 24 July 2012

The Amazing / Ridiculous Wonder Woman Bathing suit

Without further ado, pictorial proof that the Wonder Woman bathing suit was worn in public:
wonder woman bathing suit

Not pictured: the large group of people laughing and humming the theme tune while the pictures were being taken.  Their spokesperson did have the grace to say they weren't laughing at me. Not as such anyway.  I was okay with it, though, as I couldn't stop laughing either.

wonder woman looks for trouble

Here I am looking for trouble.  And dying.

wonder woman to the rescue

Springing into action.  And dying.

wonder woman flouts the rules

Flouting the rules.  And blinking.

wonder woman on the beach

I'm glad I did the ridiculous photoshot and got all of my nerves and embarrassment out of the way as I was able to wear the suit on later days and gave very few sh*ts about being judged.  That can't be said about wearing it for the first time, however!

wonder woman bathing suit 2

When I put my suit on at the house in front of Jamie before the beach, he said , 'Mum! What happened to your stomach?!'  Assuming he was concerned by the really stupid sunburn underbust, I said 'Don't worry, buddy, it's just sunburn.'  To which he said, 'No, I mean- how did you get so fat?'. Which was a great line with perfect delivery, but personally devastating for at least five hours.


  1. I wish I looked that good in a swimsuit. And you made it yourself - Wonderwoman indeed!

  2. Kids!! The swimming cossie looks fab, and you're not fat in any shape or form.

  3. He's fired. Suit looks amazing!

  4. You are an absolute inspiration! And a riot! I love reading your blog.

  5. what a fabulous swim suit!!! Hooray for you :) You look amazing!

  6. That is so awesome!! I'm dying with jealousy here!

  7. Amazing!!! You look awesome and the suit is beyond cool. I hope you blamed Jamie for the perceived (but totally nonexistent) fatness. It's his fault, after all! Well, and Maia's too. :)

    1. It was actually kind of funny, as Jamie was getting a lecture from my Mom about why saying things like that could hurt my feelings Maia waded in and asked, 'But why can't we say things when they're true?' I can laugh now :)

  8. Love it!

    Re: Jamie -- My oldest was about 4 when she wanted to know why my belly was "so wrinkly." I told her that she had been in there and stretched it out as a baby. Her follow up question (also with perfect delivery)? "Was I in your booty too?"

    There is no dignity in motherhood and certainly no glamour.

  9. "There is no dignity in motherhood and certainly no glamour." Love that comment!

    You are fabulous indeed and I love that you wore the suit in public.:)

  10. I think you look wonderful and so does your Wonder Woman bikini! My son makes helpful comments to me like that on a regular basis and each one is like a knife in the heart! X

  11. ha ha ha @ Jamie! Asking Nate if he liked my shorts the other day "yeah they're nice" do they suit me? "yeah you look like a fat version of Molly{his sister/my daughter}" ah right thanks Nate! It was meant a compliment - he likes fat ladies!

  12. If you pay me enough money, I'll show Jamie what a genuinely fat tummy looks like :/

  13. The suit looks fabulous - and so do you. Jamie knows not whereof he speaks.

  14. Welcome to my world of personal comments. And the suit is awesome. Now to google the Wonder Woman theme, as I can only remember the Six Million Dollar Man theme...

  15. I would TOTALLY wear that suit if I had your body! FABULOUS!

  16. You made my day. Thanks. Bc I really needed to smile.

  17. You are so not fat, geesh the things kids say! And really not everyone can pull that look off with such style and grace. I say make it your profile pic wherever you have a profile just to prove that you are wonderful (as far as I can tell from reading your posts).

  18. I'm so in love...... with this bathing suit!

  19. This. Is. AWESOME! I would totally wear this in public. I love Wonder Woman!

  20. Um. WAit. WHAT! HOW DID I MISS THIS????? You look effing incredible!

  21. I came over from made by moxie and am so impressed with this suit! It's so great and I love the photo shoot!

  22. Freakin A! You're my new heroine. This suit is Fantabulous! I want one too!
