Monday 17 September 2012

The Pirates and Vikings have landed

pirates and vikings

Another two new fabrics have arrived and they're doozies. I almost missed getting my mitts on them as the manufacturer sold out almost immediately but luckily I was able to finagle them from another supplier.  Praise the Lord.

pirates full

First up are the Pirates.  This amazing fabric has a seascape scene of ships, whales, fish, treasure, parrots, octopi, sea monsters, bottles, and waves on a light turquoise background. It's a GOTS-certified organic cotton of amazing quality; those of you who have ordered Little Red, Robots, Summer Forest, or Appletree know what I'm talking about.


And maybe my all-time favourite fabric ever- Vikings!  This fantastic fabric has a riotous scene of Vikings going about their Viking business-- fishing beside their longboats, cooking at campfires, brandishing weapons, drinking from flagons. The background also includes mountains, trees, clouds and a smattering of raindrops.  Honestly, I was of half (or three-quarters, at the very least) of a mind not to tell anyone about this one and keep it all for my greedy self.

I know that I always say snatch them while they're hot, but I really mean it this time.  I'm don't think I'll be able to get these again unless they go to reprint!


  1. Oh my, the Vikings are perfect! Childhood memories of watching Vicky the Viking flooding in!

  2. OMG that Viking fabric is to die for! If I knew what to make with it I would be having some of that!! Gorgeous.

  3. Are you planning on doing jerseys and/or pants with these fabrics?! (pretty please do so!!) or just sell by the meter...
