Wednesday 12 December 2012

New Stockist Alert

Just before we went to Oslo I managed to whip up a huge stack of trousers for a new stockist...
Leaning tower of trousers @juicytots

I've been a long-time admirer of Juicytots so it's a massive honour that they are stocking my wares.  And you might just be able to spy some things in the leaning tower of trousers that are new...

Juicytots Collage

Tigers in green and brown!  The superheroes have changed their bands from black to red and the purple stars have changed their bands from purple to fuchsia.  I haven't had the chance to upload them onto my own site yet, so if you want to snap them up head over to Juicytots.


  1. Stop being so awesome! When did you go to Oslo, you dark horse? Did you personally fetch the fabric? xx

    1. Thursday til Sunday! Purely a pleasure trip with my husband, no fabric involved :) My Instagram pics are here: under the tag #meanwhileinnorway if you want to see.

  2. Go me! my comment, by chance rather than calculation, was posted at twenty past eight today, and we are still here, cool!)
