Saturday 3 May 2014

Selfishly Sewing in Spring

red and blue stripe trifecta 2

Despite my best intentions, I normally miss the boat when it comes to participating in sewing series but due to the confluence of Selfish Sewing Week, Spring Top week, Me-Made-May and Need Moar Long Sleeves Year I've got a make that fits all four!  Step forward low scoop Trifecta Top in XL stripes.

red blue stripe trifecta side

These stripes are the best because I have both red and royal blue jeans to match, but I find sewing stripes more laborious for trying to get them to match over the side seam.  I think I've cracked it, though: rather than matching them up perfectly when you run them under the serger, shift it so the stripe on the top falls a teensy bit below the stripe on the bottom.  The feed dogs will push the bottom layer forward while running it under the foot and suddenly they're aligned!  Caveat lector: this is true with my machine, perhaps not others.  So focussed was I on matching the stripes that I completely dropped the ball on the neckline!  That tiny bit of blue on the left side drove me demented and I could not leave it as such.  A seam rip and fix the next day and all is well in the world again.

red and blue trifecta top ugh

I'm not getting very many 'proper' photo shots of my Me-Made outfits recently- I even made a dress for a wedding last weekend without getting pictures. Sad!  Steven really hates being the recipient of this face taking my picture.

red and blue stripe trifecta


  1. Great make. I like the neckline. I am learning loads about jersey and have used your tutorials and linked to them on my blog. Jo x

  2. It's a very cute top, you look gorgeous in it.
    Husbands, mine is much the same way.

  3. love the top! the stripes are so fun!

  4. I'm suuuuper impressed with your stripe matching! I love how they make that fun red yoke look at the neckline - I totally didn't recognize this was a raglan at first!

  5. SOOO cute with the blue nails and red jeans!!! i've been collecting wide striped jersey too, and also need more long-sleeves. well done!

  6. Hi, I saw you at Blogtacular, but didn't get chance to tell you how great the dress was that you were wearing, I loved it. I just stumbled upon a picture of you making the dress for Blogtacular (the raspberry soulbird fabric), and didn't realise until then that it was made by you - it was amazing!
    Maria x
