Tuesday, 20 January 2009

This week's lesson

When we have kids, we spend so much time teaching them how to behave... how to be gentle, how to ask nicely, how to share, how to take turns. And it seems we've had a breakthrough this weekend-- we've successfully learned to share and take turns. Was it at the park, taking turns to go down the slide? Or taking turns with a much disputed toy at home? Nope, nothing as heart-warming as that. In fact, they took turns to vomit on their mom. Yes, we've been stricken with the dreaded norovirus (that's the vomiting bug to you and me). First, it was Jamie's turn through the night on Friday. There's not enough sheets and PJs in the world to accommodate the nocturnal destruction perpetrated on his bedroom. And then, after sharing his germs (see? I'm getting somewhere!), it was Maia's turn on Sunday night. And then, worst of all, it got me yesterday.

If you're British, you might have caught the amazing series 'Amazon' on the BBC. Hosted by the diminutive but alluring Bruce Perry, the host visited indigenous tribes along the length of the Amazon River to highlight the effects of deforestation. We loved this show (and his series 'Tribe' beforehand) and have a real laugh as Bruce, without fail, gets off his face on whatever hallucinogenic tribal drugs are going. He's 'immersing himself in tribal life' you see. You might be wondering where I'm going on this tangent. In 'Amazon', there was an episode where he participated in a projectile vomiting ceremony with the Achuar tribe of Wijint. Based on recent events, I am now their de facto chief.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Amanda. Hope your feeling better. My family had the same thing just before Christmas. Including my 6 month old. Not fun. Congrats on finishing your boys coat. Nice job. I'm still willing to test the pattern. If you still want me too. Just e-mail me. My machine is free for the time being.

