Tuesday, 23 June 2009

End of term activities

Those of you who are seasoned mums will know that as the school and nursery terms come to an end, the last couple of weeks are choc-a-block with activities... fetes, sports days, field trips, school photos... So here's some of our recent nursery related pics!

The nursery fete

Mmmm, cupcakes....

With lots of icing, and sprinkles...
Maia was so into getting her face painted, I couldn't believe how long and still she sat forThe slightly disconcerting result
Here's something you don't see everyday (well, unless you're me)

School Sports Day

Jamie has inherited his Dad's sporting prowess brings up the rear, beating only the girl who ran while sucking her thumb
But showed off a very flamboyant post-kick stance
He was so pleased to get a medal

Professional portraits

For reference, this is what it looks like when I ask Jamie to smile
And this is his professional shot... How did she do this?!


  1. What fun you've been having! Love Jamie's photo!!
    They're both beautiful :)

  2. this kid is AWESOME!!!! i love the impish look in his eyes :)

  3. Ha ha, that is hysterical, the contrast between your photo and the studio....

  4. the professional must be VERY scary. your kids are so adorable though.

  5. That last picture of Jamie is gorgeous! :)
