Saturday, 11 July 2009

Winners a go-go

Sorry I'm a day late with announcing this, I've been very busy surfing the net and procrastinating preparing for Treefest. It was a bit tricky to count how many entries there were for each because of the people who tweeted but didn't return to say so (that means you, Nic and AmyLane!), but I have included your duplicate entry if I saw it...

So without further ado, the Puff sleeve smocky pattern is going to... Nickynackynoo!

And the reversible smocky top pattern is going to... Sarah!
Congratulations, and send me an email with your details if I don't get you first :)


  1. Whoops. I'm on the naughty list. Sorry ;)
    Well done to the winners :D

  2. I feel a little naughty, but truly honoured! Can't wait! Now the summer fairs are out of the way I really want to do some fun sewing.
