Tuesday, 27 March 2012

The State of the Boy


Jamie had his operation yesterday; two little grommets went in and the residual regenerating adenoids came back out.

monkey and j

Monkey came too and even got a hospital bracelet.


The time before the operation he had probably the best time of his life. He played the new Angry Birds Space game, completed the Ward Easter Egg hunt in record time (whilst enchanting all the parents and nurses with his earnestness) and painted several hundred plaster of paris figures. And then he was called down to surgery. This time the anaesthetists were able to locate one of his miniscule little veins, so he didn't have to fret about the mask afterall. He was under for just over an hour, and in a strange episode of syncronicity I swapped messages with an American crafty mum friend whose daughter was under at the same time. I wonder if they met in the ether?

post op

On the way home he said, 'Dad, your car sounds like a jet plane'.


  1. I will not let M read this post. His hospital looks way funner than hers. :) Yay for being ALL DONE!

  2. Bless. That last little sentence made me well up a bit :)

  3. Bless him. So glad it went well and it's all done. He's such a star.

  4. Aw, yet another of your brave children! Hope the grommets make a big difference. X

  5. Well done brave boy!
    My friend's boy couldn't believe the noise that Rice Krispies made when he first got his grommits in! I'm so glad the car sounded like a jet plane!

  6. Look at that brave boy. My big boy had his tonsils and adenoids out last Thursday and he is healing like crazy. I swear I'd still be stoned from the anaesthetic but he is bouncing off the walls trying to get back to life as usual. Glad it all went well for you guys too!

  7. So pleased it went well, made me well up a bit too!

  8. Atta boy :) Happy all went well! That comment about the jet plane must have been music to your ears :)

  9. That's wonderful that the surgery went well and without any traumatic issues.:)

  10. Wonderful! And that last sentence made me well up too. You do have extremely brave children, adorable and brave!


  11. the big question is did he get icecream? when i had my grommet and adenoids done i seem to remember getting icecream and this being of great importance! (glad it all went well. x)

  12. Oh wow! The surgery must have really made a difference for him. How wonderful! I'm glad to hear it went well!
