Monday 3 December 2012

Sew Mama Sew Knit fabric giveaway: Take two

With Christmas galloping ever closer and rumours that generosity and good-will towards mankind are the appropriate emotions, I'm taking part in my second Sew Mama Sew giveaway!  Fancy a metre of my finest knit fabric?  From the shelving to the right...
fabric to the right

Or the shelving to the left...

fabric to the left

Or even the fabric that's stacked on the couch because I need another shelf; any fabric from my shop.

The giveway is open internationally and will stay open until  Dec 9th, 5PM PST.  To enter, leave a comment on this post telling me what Christmas present you are desperate for. And then show your friends and family that you entered and hopefully they will read your comment and buy it.  Anonymous or 'no-follow' commenters make sure you leave a contact.

___________________________Giveaway Closed!___________________________

Winner is Joyatee!  Thanks for all the comments.


  1. i love all your fabric! thanks so much for the giveaway. for christmas this year i am desperate for a new pair of shoes (not that i really need them).

  2. I am hoping santa brings me a new onesie this year!

  3. How fabby! I could really do with a lovely new set of pinking shears, I think my lovely mum is on the case. I might also need a car, mine has her inspection in half an hour (fingers crossed all!). Be nice to have some blue tiger knit too! xxx

  4. Awesome fabrics, fab giveaway!! For Christmas I would love a nice piece of jewellery :D

  5. Oh I so want a serger for Christmas! Thanks for the giveaway!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I'm desperate for an embroidery machine! It's the ONLY thing on my list this year and I'm hoping for donations from everyone. This would be a totally totally AWESOME prize for me to win. In fact, if I only win one thing, I want this metre of fabric. I'm loving euro knits right now. simplybeu(at)gmail(dot)com

  8. I want a DSLR but I already know I'm getting it since I was there when John bought it.;)

  9. Drool... these fabrics are so gorgeous! I'm modestly asking Santa for a new clear quilting ruler, since I accidentally snapped mine in two last week.

  10. I am desperate for fabrics... beautiful fabrics to sew garments for myself... so there would have to be like 4 meters of each cut... to make sure there's enough to make a dress or whatever!

  11. i am desperate for a time turner like hermionie had in harry potter so i can have extra time. prehaps my life wouldn't be such a shed then!

  12. Oooh lovely giveaway! I would like an overlocker I think. Even though I don't know how to use one or what I would do with it!! x

  13. I would LOVE an etsy gift cerificate! There are a couple of items I am really wanting!!
    Thanks for the chance to win this AMAZING fabric!

  14. Santa generally focusses on the kids in our house but last year I was suprised with a kitchen aid stand mixer. Gives me hope for a new sewing machine this year!! thanks for the chance

  15. I am not really desperate for anything but I really want a donut cutter. I have been making donuts a lot lately... an etsy gift certificate sounds awesome too!
    I am probably going shopping in your store right now! thank you for the giveaway!

  16. I want a set of the ridiculously large windchimes with nice deep tones that sound like church bells. And an effective storage system for my fabric hoard.

  17. Oh wow!! Love the darling apple tree fabric :) And I would LOVE a machine with a huge harp space for quilting!

  18. i would looooove a new camera! (and completely dreaming on that remote possibility ;)

  19. I would LOVE an immersion blender for Christmas. That's what I asked Santa for :-)

  20. I would love an Ipad, a girl can dream eh! If I can't have one of those santa, I'd like a new sewing box!

  21. I would love a really big fabric gift card, but I would settle for a pasta maker.

  22. I put several quilting books on my wish list for this Christmas, I'm hoping to get one or two of them! Thanks for the give away!

  23. I love knit fabrics and your shop always has the most droolworthy prints.
    I'm desperate for sewing machine feet and I hope I end this gift giving season with at least 3 more!

  24. I want some angled embroidery scissors and a variety of hoop sizes for my embroidery machine! Thanks for the chance!

  25. I've got lots of fabric on my Christmas list. The one thing I really wanted was a new sewing machine (Janome TXL607) and luckily my husband bought it for me a month or so ago and let me have it early :-)

  26. Wow, lovely fabrics. My present would just be a bit of time to myself in order to do some sewing. As I work and have 2 lovely children (aged 5 and 6)I don't often get a moments peace and then when i do I'm so tired I just want to catch up on sleep! So.. a couple of hours at the weekend to indulge in some sewing would be fab!

  27. I want a longarm machine :) And a house to put it in. haha

  28. ooh hello, I would LOVE a metre of your lovely fabrics! And then I will save it for a skater dress :-)

    I would most absolutely love the sewaholic alma blouse pattern for Christmas. 'Tis a modest wish, but I fear my nearest and dearest don't realise just how MUCH I want it.

  29. I desperately need to finish the Christmas shopping so I can sit down and enjoy the season. It is over much too fast.

  30. I love to sew for my granddaughter, so would really enjoy winning some of your fabric. What I hope most for Christmas is my husband to find a new job since he was just laid off last week.

  31. I always drool over your fabrics but I am a bit intimidated by knits. I am hoping for boring things this year, a new dressing gown and slippers, gosh I must be getting old lol.

  32. I'd love a serger, fixed aperture zoom lens for my Canon, Samsung Galaxy tablet...but I will just ask for a rotary cutter, and be happy:) Your fabrics are awesome, I have no idea how I would choose only one...

  33. I am desperate for a clean house! I need a dirty dishes and laundry fairy. She seems to skip my house.

  34. Great giveaway!!!! I would love a clean and organised house for Christmas. not sure Santa can sort that though lol

  35. I really want a Lands End gift card to pick out some cute new clothes!

  36. I would love a new yoga bag. Although I haven't chosen the one I want or told my husband, so it's not likely to be under the tree. In "I wish I had a pony" wants, I'd love someone to come organize the house, or even tell me what containers I need. I used to be good at that until I gave birth to a child that somehow took half my brain.

  37. I would love to have my baby born before Christmas! Lol, don't think anyone can help me with that, and more than likely, I will go a week over and be in the hospital over New Years.
    Thanks for the giveaway - knit fabric makes such great blankets.

  38. I'm desperate for a new cutting mat. The one I have is gouged and makes for a bumpy cutting experience.

  39. What fun! I'd love a new craft room :) .....OK, maybe that's wishful thinking!! Something sewing related would be perfect, maybe some embroidery thread as I'm experimenting with fancy stitches on my machine.

    penelopepitstopcards (at) googlemail (dot) com

  40. Alll I really want is a straight forward delivery of a healthy baby sometime before Christmas :)

  41. I wanted tickets for the Rolling Stones gig ... and I got them :-). That'll be it then for another year.

  42. I am desperate for fabrics! I always want to buy way more than i can afford. Hope to get some this Xmas. And i really really love those knits. I can envision a fun t-shirt made with those!

  43. I would love to get a surger as a present :)

  44. I would love to get a kindle for christmas this year!

  45. an esv study bible is on my list :) I really like the pirate fabric!!!!

  46. I have been told that my brother got something amazing for me and my hubby shall keep me from buying it myself so I am keeping my fingers crossed for Bruce Springsteen tickets which I could never afford right now! Thanks!

  47. I really want a TARDIS teapot for Christmas this year!

  48. What I would really like for Christmas is for life for members of my family to calm down - 2012 has been a difficult year.

  49. woot! i would love a cover for my new tablet (and not a boring black one) and some fabric to make a quilt for my daughter.

  50. I would love a serger and a room of my own to sew in! :)

    Thanks for a fun giveaway!

  51. The elephant fabric is so cute! Thank you for this giveaway!

  52. what I want most for christmas is a day by myself. or a serger.

  53. What fun fabric. I am really hoping for a new pancake flipper. For real. I need a nice new one:)

  54. I'm desperate for for knit prints that do not have trains, pastel kittens, or granny flowers on them! :D

  55. I LOVE these fabrics!

    i would love for my husband to find a job. he was laid off in june.

    i would also love an even-feed quilting foot for my janome. eventually i want a serger, but i know that won't happen this year. :-)

    thank you for the chance!

  56. I love these fabrics! I am asking for a serger for christmas.

  57. great fabrics.
    i would love a serger...

  58. I'd love fabric! Thanks for the chance to win your great giveaway!

  59. I'd love a go baby cutter! :)

  60. I am hoping Santa will brings me lots of fabrics :D

  61. I REALLY want a remote start for our van. With a newborn and 2 more kids and no garage, it would be really nice!

  62. I'd love to get a endless supply of fabric - not going to happen but it would be nice!

  63. I need a new watch. I'm skipping the requesting-it-from-others part and buying it myself! Wrapping will be optional.

  64. im desperate for some shelving or storage for my sewing room!!

  65. I need a bigger crock pot! I asked for one last year and it did NOT appear under the tree!

  66. I have been trying to con my husband into a new sparklie but he won't bite.

  67. I actually don't have any requests about Christmas gift for me. I would love to be surprised!

  68. I would love a craft room make over. I more light and I need to reorganize. Thanks for the giveaway!


  69. I really want an espresso machine that let's me make a cup without messing it up somehow.

  70. I's desperate for some new baking pans. I know it sounds lame, but I'd love to have some better quality tools to work with in the kitchen.

    limor477 at aol dot com

  71. I don't even know what I'm hoping to get for Christmas - I'm so focused on what needs to be done and what gifts I'm buying!

  72. I really really want a new iPod touch. My old one died and my parents got it replaced, and that one died too! I am due with baby #2 in January, and I remember when my son was little it was such a sanity saver to have e-mail and internet access I could do one-handed while nursing etc! Hopefully they can fix this one!!

  73. I'm dying for an extension table for my machine!

  74. I really want a nice camera to photograph all my art and crafts.

    carolinebock1 at yahoo dot com

  75. I want a new pair of wellies! mine leak and I've taken to wearing a plastic bag on my foot inside my boot!

  76. i really need a new teapot!


  77. I want a skater dress pattern!! :-) And time to sew!

  78. For christmas.. hmm. its a really big one. A fitting home. My own castle ;)

    Thank you for the chance...
    Have a nice christmas time.

  79. I really, really want a Silhouette!


  80. I would love some new pajamas!

    jennifereladd at yahoo dot com

  81. I have no idea what xmas present I'm desperate for! I think just a nice, quiet, no fights xmas is good enough.

  82. I'd love a pasta maker!
    parknj at verizon dot net

  83. Peace on earth and goodwill to all peoples.
    Who am I kidding?
    I really want some Thangles, a quilters ruler and some delicious fat quarters, so I can start patchworking. And several hours of my mum's time to rescue me when it all goes wrong and my blocks don't match up and I can't bind it :D

  84. Well I am hoping Santa brings me a ton of topsoil for my new veggie beds in the back garden! Thanks for the chance to win some of your fabric - you have an amazing collection!

  85. Thanks for hosting! I am wishing for a finished bathroom, but fear Santa won't be able to fit it down the chimney!

  86. what i'm desperate for... is thread. i'm constantly running out! and it's such a drag to have to stop in the middle of a project to go out and get some more. i need a thread stash!

  87. Fun! I'd love some fabric for Christmas. I never seem to have any solids to go with my prints.
    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  88. A table of my own to work and sew at.

  89. I don't celebrate Christmas, but I would love to get some new fabrics!

  90. Great fabrics! I really need a new pair of slippers this year.

  91. I need a new foot pedal for my sewing machine... It must be the only ''foot-free' pedal in existence: it starts sewing even when I'm nowhere near it. It's either the sewing elves having some fun or it's an electrical fault. Now if the elves could finish the unfathomable Burda boys' shirt pattern for me, my son would have a cool Christmas present... Love the blog, I'm working towards a pin-up swimsuit next year, inspired by you!

  92. I'm hoping for some yardage of Salt Water for christmas.

  93. a laminator- so many projects. Or some more flooring ;)

  94. Honestly there's nothing I really want more than my baby to stay put until after Christmas!! (I'm due Jan 10th!)

  95. I would like another shed for Christmas. Ours has mice and I don't want to go in it any more. Nice giveaway btw!

  96. I am desperate for an Ergo baby carrier! Thanks for the giveaway!

  97. Some nice new PJs would make me happy on Christmas morning... or a bundle of fabric. Thanks for the giveaway!

  98. A gift certificate to the quilt shop!

  99. For Christmas, I would love some new fabrics!

  100. I would love to have a kindle fire but I dont think it is going to happen.

  101. Well, I really want a new camera but I'll settle for some fabric!

  102. I would really like the simply color collection for Christmas. eatkin85(at)yahoo(dot)com

  103. I am not really iching for anything this year. I would love a new embroidery machine, but I know that is out right now.

  104. well, I wanted a pair of gingher scissors, but now I want a meter of the tigers on teal! beautiful fabric!

  105. Would love a Sushi Maker and have given the hints already to the household

  106. I'd so love a holiday. Not going to happen.
    I'd so love a new fancy schmancy camera. Not going to happen.
    I'd so love a diamond ring. So not going to happen.
    I'll settle for a good book!

  107. I really want a GPS watch for running.

  108. I`m hoping for a new laptop this year :)

  109. I want a new couch with a slipcover

  110. Lovely fabric! I love the Little Red Riding Hood and Yellow Mushrooms. I am asking for fabric this year...and a tart pan.

  111. Your fabric is so unique and fun. I'm hoping for a sewing related shopping spree that I get to do myself :)

  112. What fun fabric! I am yearning for a TV with a DVD player to put in my sewing room.

  113. i'd love a sewing machine upgrade to one with a really large throat space!

  114. I am just looking forward to seeing my family.

  115. That tiger fabric is dynamite! Uh, I honestly couldn't want for anything - can't wait to visit family and meet the new niece!

  116. Gorgeous fabrics!!!! This year I'd love to get an I Pad! Thanks so much for the giveaway!

  117. I am DYING for a Silhouette Cameo. I probably will have to buy it for myself on my birthday in March though-I'll be {gasp} 30 and should buy myself something lovely:)

    I'm totally in love with your fabric stash too!!

    wildbluestarz {at}aol {dot} com

  118. I would LOVE an embroidery machine but I know it is not coming this Christmas so probably some new fabric (not that I need more!)
    Thanks for such a great giveaway.

  119. Christmas present I want: a mixer so I can make cookies easier! (Oh wait, maybe I DON'T need that...) (har har)

  120. For christmas I would love some fabric.

  121. I am desparate for a measuring tape and level for some carpentry projects I've been wanting to take on. Of course, fabric is always nice. :)

  122. I really want a memory foam pillow.

  123. I am in desperate need of a new cutting mat!!!

  124. I think top of my list is a cutting mat. Mine is looking bad. That and gift card to Joann Craft store. Hah.

    LOOOOVEEE the fabrics in your shop!!

  125. It's such a cliche but I'd love to have an iPad! Thanks for being part of Giveaway Day!

  126. I'm hoping for some new patterns and time to sew -- haven't asked for the latter, guess I should!

    harper651 [at] gmail

  127. I'm not desperate for anything but I really want some Kai scissors! :)

  128. I'd love a La Creuset dutch oven, but would be happy with any brand. On second thought, a personal chef would be even better! ;) Thanks for the great giveaway!

  129. I wouldn't say I'm really "desperate" for anything, but I'd really like some more storage for my yarn, my car fixed, and a maternity outfit or two (and then a healthy baby in April!) :-) The fabric is so cute!

  130. I am not really "desperate" for anything, but would be quite pleased with a nook e-reader.

    Your knits are beautiful. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
    turtle tote bags (at) yahoo (dot) com

  131. I would really like a new sewing machine. Mine is acting like it might not sew anymore.

  132. I really, really need some new boots!

  133. I am desperate for a dog. That's what I want more than anything. Yes, I am an adult and you can tell since I'm wanting a dog, not a puppy. Your fabric selection is terrific.

  134. I am desperate for some of your fabric!!!!! :) Also, I would love a new spinning wheel but I doubt that is going to happen.

  135. I really want a new computer! If I could get anything...

  136. I'd love some new clothes to fit this thrice postpartum body. And I've been drooling over the knits in your shop!

  137. I am already content with the fact that I have tickets bought to go home to see family for Christmas... that's enough of a present for me!

  138. Oh man, what I really really want? An engagement ring. Shhh....


  139. I really want the new young house love book!
    peachstateme (at) hotmail (dot) com

  140. I'm not really desperate for anything. I am just looking forward to some time off and visiting with my family. Thanks for the chance to win some lovely fabric. jgemeroy(at)shaw(dot)ca

  141. There isn't really anything I really want. I just want my family around and happy. Although, a clean house would be nice.

  142. I'm not really desperate for any THING. What I love most about Christmas is the time OFF from the regular routine. My girls love having Daddy around a little more, and I enjoy the relaxing time with extended family. So, I guess I"m desperate for the temporary change in routine.

  143. I'd love to receive a new pair of sewing scissors, ones with a padded handle. Thanks for the chance to win.

  144. I don't really need anything, but I would love a new pair of pjs. thank you for the chance to win

  145. I'm desperate for some blocking wires for this shawl I'm knitting, but I doubt anyone in my family knows what those are.

    ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca

  146. Yo quiero una casa .Con 2 habitaciones .Una cocina grande y otra habitacion para dormir con mis hijas .Cariños .Gracias.

  147. I am desparate for some snow! Dec. 3 and it's still 74 degrees here in TN :/

  148. Desperate for..I guess not to gain all the weight back that I lost this past year. As for gifts, I would like a bobbin winder or some decent scissors since my Fiskars go dull so quickly. I think an Ipad would be super too since it is very frustrating to post comment on the Kindle. Thanks,

  149. Wow! Fantastic knit fabric. I'm loving all the star prints.

    I asked for a nice camera this year and a trip to an art retreat. We shall see...


  150. This year i'm desperate for a little peace and quiet, but if that won't happen i wouldn't mind another shelving unit :)

    luffly.mel (at) gmail (dot) com

  151. Fantastic fabric!
    I'd love to get a Bosch kitchen machine for Christmas, and, of course, a fabric subscription, like a Jelly Roll per month. :-)

  152. I'd really love Elizabeth Hartman's first book. . I'm new to quilting and it seems just the sort of book I need right now!

  153. I'd like the next book in the Ladies' No. 1 Detective Agency book series.

    pinkscissorsdesign @gmail. com

  154. I've turned into my dad! I really can't think of anything I want or need. I never understood him saying that, but I get it now... Just got back into sewing though, so perhaps just an uninterrupted sewing day where I can get through the pile of "must refashion this", "must do something with this", "can't wait to make something with this" things... As for this giveaway, what's that all about? New to this blog & commenting protocols... Happy Happy Christmas :)

  155. I am Dutch, so no Christmas presents but Sinterklaas !

  156. Thanks for this giveaway.
    For Christmas, I wish I could get more space to stock my fabrics and of course some spare time to sew.

  157. That's so difficult. All the things I really want this year, no human being could give to me.

    erikawithak.vintage at

  158. a couple more hours to the day would be a great present ;-)
    but your fabric would be too...
    thanks a lot for that give away!

  159. I'm a desperate for some sort of storage unit for my sewing room. If i could actually find one I liked i could get it, i've been saving for ages but just can't find the right one!

  160. Mmmmm. Lovely fabrics.

    I am desperate for something immaterial this year. Healthy vibes for a struggling friend is the top of my list.

  161. I want the collection Field of Study by Anna Maria Horner. 1/2 yard will do.

  162. A little time to sew would be wonderful.

  163. Oh dear...I'm not desperate for any gift at all...I really have so much and don't need anything. I'd take a restful day, with the love of family and friends...happy children...and good food. I can be very happy with all that. =)

    Thank you for a chance to win.

  164. Thank you for the lovely giveaway. I am desperate for a Kindle this holiday season!

  165. I would LOVE either a sewing machine with an extension table, or a special table for the one I have to make free motion quilting easier. My machine doesn't even have the option for an extension table! Thanks for the chance to win!

  166. I want a bedframe for Christmas, we've gone too long with the mattress on the floor. I have my eye on a platform bed with storage drawers under it, perfect for stashing craft supplies!

  167. I am hoping santa brings me a new pc))) thank you

  168. Cute fabric! This Christmas things are tight so there will be no presents for grown ups! But if I could ask it would be a new pair of running shoes!

  169. I am desperate for a Lego mine for my son! :)

  170. Very nice!!! For Christmas....hmmmm......not really desperate for anything right now, but would love a new camera. :) Thanks for the giveaway!

  171. I am desperate for a some good quality wool so that I can knit some woolies for friends and family to survive the winter (I'm making them sound like mice!) Email is

  172. I'm hoping for some green tights for Christmas :)

  173. You have some pretty selections. For Christmas I am getting a laptop.

  174. I want a new stitch ripper. Seriously.

  175. I want a new watch for Christmas! Mine isn't working properly. :) Thanks for a chance to win! :)

  176. I'm dyingmfor a Bernina sewing machine but I think I won't get it

  177. The gift on my desperate wish list is any of the die cutting machines. audiodropzone(at)gmail(dot)com

  178. I'm desperate for a rotary cutter! And think I'm getting one too!! I'm in awe of these fabrics

  179. I am desperate for some pretty craft books.

    Thank you so much for running this lovely giveaway x

  180. I would love a new sewing table. A nice one with a place to lower the machine and long to quilt. Thanks for the fun giveaway! I love the apple print knit!

  181. I would love a cord of dry firewood for Christmas, so we can be warm and cozy for the rest of the winter.

  182. I would love for my hubby to get a new job so we can see him more often!

  183. I would love some sampler sets of pretty thread!

  184. i would love some jewelry for myself!

    radiyas (at) gmail (dot) com

  185. I want some new sewing patterns.

  186. I want a new camera for Christmas this year.

  187. I'm desperate for some sleep! Ha! (my daughter is teething)

  188. I really want some new sewing books (and the time to use them!)!

  189. Wow! Such pretty fabric. I love the red clouds and hearts:) For christmas I am desperate for a self healing mat to go with my new rotary cutter.

  190. All I really want is some time alone to sew and relax. Uninterrupted! ;)

  191. ohhhh lovely fabrics!!! I'd really love Santa to bring me some fabrics :-P or a new sewing machine!
