Thursday 18 July 2013

Lady Skater Pattern Tour: Emmyloubeedoo

Today we're very close to my current location with Sarah from EmmyLouBeeDoo... In fact, so close to my current location that we're meeting up in real life this weekend! And Sarah and I (and my Maia and her Emmy) will all wear our skaters and have a Skater Pool Party and it won't be embarrassing at all. Since the last time Sarah was on this blog in the Little Skater Pattern Tour she's added another pattern to her shop, the lovely Doli Tank (that I made for Maia in Shattered Glass Voile here) and her trouser pattern, the Hosh Pants (that I made in rose-print sateen here), have rightfully taken the internet by storm.  Last month they were named by Imagine Gnats as her 'Best of Summer Sewing' pattern on Caila's Best of Summer Sewing series!  While there are many, many compelling reasons to be friends with Sarah in real life, one of the best things is having an inside line to which patterns she has in the pipeline and let me just say they're exciting.
Sarah was one of my testers for the Lady Skater so I knew that her next version would be awesome but I wasn't expecting chiffon shoulder inserts!  How cool is that??  Heaps, I tell thee.


  1. the double emmy's make my heart stop! xoxoxoxoxo

  2. Thank you for the thoughtful intro, and thank you so much for having me on the tour! A dress for myself that I love AND made?! Three cheers. :)
