Saturday, 21 August 2010

More adventures with geriatic neighbour

Scene: The foyer of our building.
Characters: Me, Jamie, Maia, Geriatric neighbour, Geriatric neighbour's daughter

Geriatric neighbour: Why, hello there!
Me: Hello!
Geriatric neighbour: Have you met my daughter?
Me: I think so! Hello again.
Neighbour's daughter: Hello.
Geriatric neighbour: And this is Jamie.
Jamie: Hello.
Neighbour's daughter: Hello.
Geriatric neighbour: And this is Maia.
Neighbour's daughter: Hello.
Maia (pointing): And these are Mummy's boobies.

The End.


  1. She just wanted to make sure there was no confusion! Such a helpful girl.

  2. *dies* That is too funny. She is so cute!

  3. Brilliant!
    I just love maia!

  4. *giggle* Very helpful girl you have there:)

  5. haha! that reminds me of when my eldest used to say prayers and say 'Thankyou for Alice getting milk from mummys boobies' not too bad when we were at home, quite embarassing when she said it out loud during a church meeting lol
