Friday, 19 June 2009


Every cloud has a silver lining

I had to go into town today to get new passport pictures taken. Obviously, getting a new US passport when in the UK is an administrative and financial burden. But the good news is, I won't be saddled with a passport picture like this one for the next ten years:

That's right, folks, the specimen above is my current passport picture. That I've been travelling with for ten years. The shame. Each time I've handed over my passport for perusal, I received a look like, 'And where's the person who's supposed to be holding your hand?'

But no longer! Here's my new one:

Anyone else been saddled with a terrible passport photo?


  1. LOL. Could be worse, my driving license photo makes me look like a boy! Passports are a financial burden here. Stupid money, I tell you!!

  2. @Nic: Actually, a US passport renewal is a lot cheaper than UK one. But then if I want to transfer my residency sticker from the Home Office it's 160 quid! British bureaucracy is so expensive :(

  3. can you stop getting my husband to look at photos of you please? you are WAY too young and lovely for him to see ;-)

  4. @Nifty: What, no more pics of me?! There goes my glamour shot post for tomorrow...

  5. hahaha! if I had a scanner I would show you a passport picture that makes yours look like it was taken by Richard Avedon! I was at least 30 pounds overweight after the birth of my daughter (13 years ago), had the MOST tragic mom-bob haircut and was somehow trying to look chic with a scarf tied around my neck...unfortunately the scarf just accentuated the double chin action...sigh...I , like you was so happy when I had to have my passport renewed...

  6. Very brave putting both your passport photos up. And neither of them look anytning like you in your blog pic!

  7. Much nicer 2nd photo but what will you be saying in 10 years time when you need another..... It is amazing great 2nd picture x

  8. Ugh, my passport photos have always been horrible. My latest one was taken when I was convinced that staring at the camera bit with my eyes wide open would prevent closed eyes. Instead of asleep, I look wired and slightly crazy. Yours look very good.

  9. I got a new passport photo done about a year and a half ago nearly two years and the old one was god awful, slightly thinner but with equally bad hair and vacant expression.. the newer US passport looks much better..I dread the next one though!

  10. JUST had my done, and they were bloody awful. Waiting for it coming back
