There was a little bit of time set aside for messing about, but the majority of time was to be spent doing Worthy Things. But then:

The good news: I have resurrected my Kitschy Coo webshop.
The bad news: At the moment, said webshop only has patterns listed. The fabric is coming, I promise.

Please visit and return with compliments on my CSS and html skillz.*
*I did pay a little bit of money to someone selling a different skin to the two that Big Cartel offer. But some of that html is totally mine.**
** By 'totally mine', I mean I googled how to do it and then followed a cleverer person's instructions.
Well done you, whatever bit was totally yours it looks great. Hope you get your 'me' time back soon (by that I mean fabric/sewing) 'cos when you run a business I know me time becomes business time!
ReplyDeleteI can relate!! I am frequently cleaning up poop and spit up and I often smell like curdled milk.
ReplyDeleteI hope the terrible book wasn't the one I sent you!? Eep sorry if it was. Though it can't be any worse than charlaine harris' writing. Things never go the way I plan. I mostly have stopped planning things but I still make lists.
ReplyDeleteMostly I have cleaned up snot, cake puke, an a mouse in rigamortis... We are so rock and roll.
Woo, looks fabulous!
ReplyDeleteI don't think I'd know what to do if a weekend actually turned out like I planned.
And you need a techie who works for scraps. I don't know of any, but if I find one I'll send them your way:)
If I did a pie chart of my weekend it would be 82% Waiting for Kitschy Coo to sell fabric, 10% drinking wine and dancing on the sofa, 8% painting skirting board.
ReplyDeleteOMG, this is brilliant! Maybe if I piechart my weekend I will become more productive...right? It looks like a good motivation tool. I think my intention of sewing would become the pie slice for cruising the net. Then I'd need a slice for creating the pie chart...
ReplyDeleteI used to waste time finishing terrible books because I'm majorly anal-retentive, but I have now set aside 2 terrible books and WOW at the free time to do something else! Free yourself!
ReplyDeleteI believe the compliment that applies is 'l33t skillz'.
ReplyDeleteI ought to pie chart my weekends. Last weekend would have included 34% eye-rolling at manflu sufferer.
I would laugh at the pie chart more loudly if I didn't also know exactly what you mean. Well done with getting the webshop working, though!
ReplyDeleteWell, it could be worse. The pink pie wedge dedicated to ironing *could* have been crying about Mr. Site.
ReplyDeleteCSS is evil. Fact.