Monday 11 October 2010


If you geek me, I'll geek you back

When I say that I've been working on something Top Secret, it sounds so serious. But usually, it's not very serious at all. Remember how Apryl sent me an awesome hand-crafted Eric Northman doll? Well, I thought I'd make her something in return. Something ridiculous.

I did a bit of detective work to figure out all the celebrities that get Apryl into a fangirl flap and made their images into a collage with handy annotations. It was a little bit embarrassing explaining to Steven what I was making. And what UNF means. Mom and Dad, do not even google that. It means cute.

I printed it into a fabric-fusible paper, ironed it onto some polkadot fabric and made a notebook cover for artist's sketchpad.

And because Apryl is going on a trip back to our homeland soon, I also made a smaller travel notebook.

Probably the saddest dorkiest most awesome thing I've ever done. But I got to laugh at myself for two whole days.


  1. I'm sure they will tickle her too, after she's finished hugging them...and as a more mature (who am I kidding) follower, I haven't googled that either...but I can guess what it means!!

  2. haha!! I did have to Google it, curiousity got the better of me! Now I am lol'ing all over the place!!

  3. *grin* Yep, I was googling too :-D

    I say you are a great friend. ;-)

  4. Fourth in line to have to google. Glad my kids can't read....

    Those are awesome, and she is going to LOVE them!!

  5. I googled too because I'm just not that cool :)

  6. I love them they made me laugh my socks off .. and after some really terrible weeks and being quite sad and a bit depressed lately it totally made my day... I did not explain UNF to M who thinks I'm insane anyway.

  7. I had to google it too! But my 8yr old can read so I had to be quick!...and here's me thinking I was alone in my feelings about Dr Spencer Reid!

  8. Sure she will be over the moon with her notebook.

  9. SO funny and geeky. The Eric travel notebook made me laugh out loud.

  10. I googled.

    I lol-ed.

    Cracking gifts :)

  11. I googled and can't believe all those guys graduated from the Univ. of North Florida - it seems like such a small school!

  12. That has to be the most amazing thing in the history of the world. Ever.

  13. I find this VERY funny!.....and i found sisters comment equally as funny, coz when i googled it North Florida Uni came up and i was like ''WTF!!!????'

    I am very amused by all of this.


  14. I heartily agree with your assessments. Esp re Matt Smith & that fella who is not Eric.

  15. OK - you are my official new girl crush. Still laughing about this - particularly the notebook. Now that I know you are 'ornery & sarcastic' in Melbourne, I will have to stalk you (in a non creepy way?) until I can buy you a coffee or a G&T - hopefully it will be the latter and then we can be ornery and sarcastic together with alcohol...

  16. Oops. Just realised you are in Edinburgh. Have to be content with stalking you, semi-sneakily, via the interwebs. Tsk Tsk.

  17. Oh and where is the Alcide love? He may be a mere Were as opposed to an eternal fanger but he's eye candy and definitely worth a number of UNF's in MHO. UNFFFFFFF!

    1. Alcide is waaaaay too muscley for my personal preferences. I am very discerning about my crushes :)
