Thursday 17 June 2010


Spongebob pineapple pants

pineapple pants posing

When Abby from Juicytots asked if I'd make her daughters some pants, I got a chance to revisit the pattern and make a couple of changes from the version that made it through testing. I raised the front leg opening and narrowed the fabric between the legs a bit so there's less excess fabric in the front... Same full coverage in the back!

pineapple pants admiring

Jamie thinks Maia 'looks so beautiful'. I want to shave her head and make a wig for me.

pineapple pants cuddling

He says he is 'so proud of her'. She eats his obsequiousness for breakfast.


  1. What a loving big brother! I'm looking forward to your pants pattern. My chunky monster of a girl needs pants like that.

  2. You crack me up!! Loving the last photo comment!

  3. put me down for the pants pattern! my little pink monster needs these!!!! (and it wouldn't hurt the larger blue monster either!)

  4. lovely pants. Love the comments.

  5. I adore them so much. I will be needing to make some for the minimads

  6. They are so cute!! And their pineapple pants are quite adorable as well.

  7. I just cannot wait till the ones you are making my girls arrive, they are not the most ladylike of girlies. No more wedgies in this house, hurrah!

  8. They are so very sweet together!

    Sorry I never got the 2nd set of fittings to you. My knits took forever to arrive and then Rylee got sick. The new fit looks great, though!

  9. Aww cute pictures! I love those pants, I so wish I could sew!!

  10. Our pants are here! And they are amazing! The girls LOVE them. I ahve put some pics on your FB fan page!/photo.php?pid=4334799&o=all&op=1&view=all&subj=104468371995&aid=-1&id=548298982&oid=104468371995

    Thanks so much!

  11. Don't you worry about posting semi naked pictures of your children on the internet - this is an open site and pictures can be copied for many purposes. With the best of intentions it is a bit irresponsible.....

    Loving the pants though!!!!!!!

  12. They are very cute, the pants and the children!!
    I wish I could sew, my boys neeeeed pants and supermarket packs just don't cut it.
