Tuesday, 1 March 2011


Move on, move on. Nothing to see here.*

*Blog title is not strictly true. There are a couple of things to see here, and even an opportunity to assert your influence over my life.

Firstly, my hoodie pattern has been given a very nice review by Living With Punks. She let her twin boys pick their own fabrics and I LOLOLOLOL'ed that one of them picked trout fabric. Head on over to read the review, admire her handiwork, marvel at her good genes, shed a tear that her son told his friends his hoodie was purchased from a shop, and also pick up a discount code for my Etsy shop.

In a strange episode of synchronicity, my boy brief pattern was also reviewed in Blog-land yesterday and a very nice review it was. Told you so.

Finally, I am being uncharacteristically forward-thinking. Steven's brother is getting married in seven weeks and I want to find a Very Special Fabric for a dress for Maia. It will have to out-snazzy the dress I made her for our last family wedding due to my innate fears of not living up to expectations. I am thinking about the flocked taffeta above but I am unsure if it is evil. So, readers, is this fabric evil? And also, what other fancy-pants fabrics should I be looking at?


  1. sorry, i'm no help on the fabric front but you could go 'gypsy wedding' style for the dress, that would definatly be noticeed!

  2. hmmm my gut reaction to that taffeta is that, although somewhat evil, it might make a good dress for your cute cheeky face cherub, poss if it had a large black sash. and a black net underskirt.LOL at the gypsy wedding suggestion. She'd look boss with a spray tan.

  3. I really need to get those patterns. And time to make them.

    I love the colors of the taffeta, and evil fabric or not I have faith you would tame it. My only hesitation is with the pattern itself - is the scale possibly too large for such a little girl? I have no doubt the color scheme would be fabulous, but if it's very large it may be overwhelming. I do agree with ilovedolly re: the wide black sash & underskirt. Maia may very possibly outshine the bride.

  4. I love the taffeta, no idea how evil it is (does it look like it's plotting something?). I think a skirt with the taffets with a black bodice and black underskirt would be amazing!
    Also, this just popped into my head the other day - did you ever do a pattern for the bubble hemmed skirt?

  5. I think the evil-ness of the fabric will be in proportion to how much of it you use for the dress. Too much = too evil. I agree with the underskirt/sash ideas. Also, maybe a plain top to the dress with the skirt in the pink?

  6. My immediate reaction is 'down with pink', but it is at least a bright pink and not too saccharine. I also wonder if the pattern is a bit too big, depends what it's paired up with.

  7. I think it's evil - the pinkness, the flock, the curtainishness just don't do it for me, sorry. It looks too big a pattern for a small person to carry off.

    I would say less evil fabric would be shot silk or maybe a velvet, and then a killer trim. Is there an indian fabric shop / market stall near you? I bought some amaaaazing embroidered trim the other day from a bengali guy on Nelson market. I realise this isn't much help, sorry :(

  8. Oh and I didn't even know trout fabric existed, and now mr pickledweasel is getting a whole wardrobe full of trout-themed garments for next Christmas.

  9. Wow. No opinion on whether the fabric is evil, but would like to know. Kathryn is going to be a flower girl in September... and I suspect I'll be put upon to make matchy matchy dresses for her and her co-flower girl cousin. And I will have no input over the fabric as it will be chosen by the bride. So I will be watching with interest.
