Thursday, 21 July 2011


Last of the Famous International Playboys

cloud tank 2

For those of you who were not as maudlin as me in your teenage years (ie all of you), the title refers to a Morrissey song. I am not suggesting that Jamie is, in fact, a famous international playboy. Because he is five.

cloud tank 3

But clearly louche beyond his years.

cloud tank 4

And a bit cheesy in his approach.


  1. And amazingly beautiful (as is his vest) xxx

  2. Oh, he's such a dude!

    And I was equally maudlin in my teens and knew exactly what you meant by the title.

  3. Louche describes that picture perfectly!! I'm sure that I was never that confident at 5....

  4. He is very cool! I started singing the song in my head as soon as I saw the title!!

  5. Oh yes, there are a few of us with questionable teenage years. I also have loving memories of the Smiths. BTW I'm loving the Summer wardrobe everyone is sporting. Well done.

  6. I loved the title! That was the poster hanging above my bed throughout my teens...brings back memories.

    Great poses, Morrissey would be proud!
